Board of Selectmen Minutes, October 21, 2013

Condensed from approved minutes

October 21, 2013

Present: Selectmen Mishcon and Coolidge; Jon Warzocha, Reggie Roy, Jon Champagne, TA Marjorie Roy.

Transfer Station

Thank you to Jon Warzocha for assisting with the drawings and two optional plans for the single-stream recycling renovation at the Transfer Station. Ms. Mishcon described the traffic pattern changes that will take place. Discussion tonight to assess which option is most suitable.

Reggie Roy: Considering the heavy traffic times that do occur at the Transfer Station, it seems that Plan A is most suitable as it will reduce or prevent traffic congestion. Saturdays between 10 and 11 there is an average of 65 to 75 patrons.

Mr. Danforth said he likes Plan A but would like to add an office in the middle of the roofline of the Recycle Building that exits out to the recycling dumpster and juts out about two feet so that an attendant can see the containers. A six foot metal fence would allow enough room for metal dumpster and residential C&D dumpster. All the fees for services will be handled by the attendant at the Recycle Building.

There will be six parking spots at each compactor. If the recycling center is busy, patrons can go to the trash hopper first. Patrons pulling stuff out of dumpsters is a problem, so a camera on the building will allow the attendant to see the metal and C&D dumpsters.

The approach to the trash hopper will be widened. One lane will be for trash, and the second for recycling. The two lanes will be divided by Jersey barriers, and patrons will make two passes. This will encourage less pedestrian traffic from one lane to the other.

A commercial C&D will be placed in the rear of the lot, as will a metal container. The propane tank and the tire storage trailer may be moved.

Swap Shop: Other towns place a real value on their swap centers; not only what stays but what goes back out – reduce and reuse. Ms. Mishcon said this Swap Shop was more a demonstration of purpose. It has been running for several years, and there has not been much difficulty getting volunteers to work one Saturday a month. It would definitely be better if we had a building where everything is under cover.

Mr. Danforth said that trucks will be able to back up and back in. Due to heavy traffic times, it would be best to have restricted hours for the commercial haulers. Belletetes usually comes in in the early morning with cardboard.

Mr. Coolidge is unable to be here until approximately 6:30 PM and the Board would like his opinions before making a decision on the Transfer Station design.

Reggie Roy: the change of handling electronics in the Recycle Building has been very helpful.

Compactor price: $15,000 to $18,000, container buy or rent?, $4,000 to $5,000 for pad.

Mishcon: Money available in CRF. Selectmen are agents to expend. Hope to get this done this year.

JD: Five years ago we held the 700 gallon water tank out. Inverted, Island View Welding was to put the appropriate fixture on it, AFD to fill with water in non-freezing months, reach both burn piles. Tame the fire, open up, gravity feed.

7.3 lbs. garbage a day family of four.

Recycling container: Buy largest we can, since cubic weight is more than tare weight since recyclables are loose and light.

Reggie Roy: 5 to 6 PM, very few patrons.

Mishcon: would like to see container, hopper etc.

JD: Make sure whatever is purchased runs on vegetable oil.

Thank you to Jon Warzocha and John Elliott for their work.

Road Agent will do site work. Project amount to be approved by Selectmen. Signage will be planned and implemented prior to opening new configuration.

Safety precautions to mark new traffic patterns.

Investment Policy Adoption

Marj Roy: Auditors requested we add a section on risk, liquidity, and yield. JD: Motion to move, VM second, unanimous vote.

Town Forester

JD: Conservation Commission in reassigning the properties that have been assigned in the past. Cons Comm is responsible for monitoring the properties and coming back to the Selectmen to report any problems or concerns. Some towns have foresters who maintain the trees on town-owned properties, including cemeteries. Hourly rate. Cons Comm would have access to a forester for opinions.

Budget purposes. Line item: Forestry (all committees and Selectmen have access). Place ad for forester, looking for hourly rate. Recommendation: $1,200 first year. JD: vote to add line item to budget. VM second. Unanimous vote.

PB will take care of turn-around on Hoyt Road, since a turn-around is being created at the end of Hoyt Road. PB-review names of roads. Combine with work done by Arch Weathers and Chris Norris RSMS. PB Flood Plain Map with ZEO. Planning will take the lead with changes required due to the repair/construction of Lawrence Street Bridge. Estimate requested from DoT. Ten years away. Waiver for financial hardship. Abutments would have to be further apart and would require removal of a house on the south side of the bridge.

Office Fees

For copies of maps, zoning amendments, etc. Charges are necessary to maintain the photocopies which is required for anyone who comes in and requests a copy. Also, charge for electronic copies to help maintain the copier. Payment type: TA to research credit card payments. TA: order thumb drives for Master Plan ($10?)

Complete set of tax maps requested by a resident (electronically): $10 thumbdrive, $25 paper copy.

Selectmen will create a master fee schedule.

Communication Form

Better communication is needed between committees, departments, and residents. Three-part form: originator, department, TA to keep in binder. Over 100 volunteers. TA will present Selectmen with forms not responded to. TA presented draft form. Eagle Printing. Board approved.

Per Road Agent’s report, TA presented Board with a renewal of the right-of-way agreement between the Town and Mark Thompson Excavating, allowing the Town access to its sandpit that is landlocked.

Letters to property owners that have driveways causing problems to Town roads will receive letters of notification from the Board of Selectmen. List generated by Road Agent.

PB memorandum re: fabric-covered garages. What required a permit? JD spoke to what the state building code requires. It appears that PB wants to include fences in the permit requirements. Before we create a hard and fast rule, we need to have uniform information about set-backs, right-of-ways, etc. Is there a rule for rights-of-way? Mailboxes can be put in right-of-way, fences cannot. Need rules in place before enforcement takes place.

Fabric-covered garages are buildings that in most cases stay in place for a long period of time, should require building permits. The Board expressed reluctance to take on more than can be enforced.

Road Agent’s Report

Post Office has installed railings for mailboxes in some places where snow is piled. Road Agent will talk with Postmaster.

Transfer Station road needs to be widened and banked as you drive up to the solid waste hopper. Jon stated that it would be more efficient and safer if traffic from the gravel/sand pit was routed with other traffic exiting the Transfer Station.

$10,860 to manufacture/screen three days worth of screening 2,500 yards mfg./screen. Added to the amount currently at the Thompson pit. You save $18,600 ($9/cu. yd. x 2500 cu yds.) 3 days 3 trucks to haul $4,680. Hauling in requires loader 3 days $2,280. Grand total $29,460.

Not transporting what is mfg./screened at the Transfer Station.

Salt will be added to the sand at Thompson pit. Jon will dump 30 tons of salt and mix it into the sand. As making the sand at the Transfer Station use another 30 tons.

JD: White Oak needs a light. JC has spoken with NHEC. Considering moving the pole for reasons.