NH House Votes to Expand Medicaid; Senate Kills Bill

Ratzki expresses "disappointment and dismay"

By Mario Ratzki, NH Representative

Medicaid expansion is dead. While the House voted for Medicaid expansion, the Senate could not agree on its own bill and killed the House bill by a vote of 13 to 11 on a partisan basis. One can probably blame the ACA rollout for the failure of this bill. That the rollout was poorly managed […]

Mario Ratzki Reports from Concord: October 2013

Medicaid expansion up for vote in November

By Mario Ratzki, NH Representative

The Medicaid Expansion Commission has just released its findings and recommendations. It is saying Yes to expansion and would establish a New Hampshire hybrid system of federal, state, and private health insurances. Some people would be covered under Medicaid, others with the state Health Insurance Premium Payment program, and others with federally-subsidized health care coverage […]

Mario Ratzki Reports from Concord: September 2013

Andover hosts NH DOT 10-year plan meeting

By Mario Ratzki, NH Representative

It has been a quiet few weeks in Concord. The commission to study Medicaid expansion has had several meetings, some public, and is nearing a decision. Plenty of rumors abound; one would have the State accept the expansion for a three-year trial, during which the Feds would pay for 100% of the program. The gaming […]

We Need to Approve Medicaid Expansion Now

Other states will use our money if we don't

By David Karrick, New Hampshire State Representative

As one of Andover’s elected state representatives, I attended the August 27 public hearing on Medicaid expansion in New Hampshire at the State House. The committee studying expansion is made up of six senators and six representatives from both parties, as well as three public members. Forty-nine citizens testified at the hearing; 44 were in […]

State Rep David Karrick Summarizes Legislative Year

By David Karrick, NH State Representative

To the residents of Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, Warner, and Webster: It has been a very interesting eight months for those of us newly elected to the New Hampshire House of Representatives in 2012. We woke up the morning after Election Day to the news that the Democratic Party had a comfortable majority of 221 of […]

Mario Ratzki Reports from Concord: August 2013

House reconvenes in September

By Mario Ratzki, NH House Representative

An interesting fact of legislative rule is that a defeated bill cannot simply be reintroduced in the following year, without substantial changes. The Gaming Commission now meeting in Concord, with members appointed by the Governor, the Senate, and the House Speaker, is working to address some of the issues that caused the casino bill to […]

Mario Ratzki Reports from Concord: July 2013

Bipartisan budget passes, Medicaid expansion fails

By Mario Ratzki, NH House Representative

The 2014-2015 budget passed the New Hampshire House with 346 votes for and 12 against; it passed unanimously in the Senate. Everyone from Governor Hassan to former speaker Bill O’Brien claimed credit for the bipartisan vote, but the credit, no doubt, resides with New Hampshire voters who told us to stop bickering, avoid political grandstanding, […]

Flares Around Highland Lake

By Donna Baker-Hartwell
Flares Around Highland Lake

For many years, the Highland Lake Protection Association (HLPA) has sold flares for the July 4th weekend “Flare Show.” It has been an important annual fundraiser, selling approximately 100 flares. Last year, a handful of HLPA members hired ChemServe, an environmental analyst recommended by the state, to analyze the ash created from the flares. The […]

Mario Ratzki Reports from Concord: June 2013

Can the NH budget be reconciled?

By Mario Ratzki, NH House Representative
Mario Ratzki Reports from Concord: June 2013

Breaking News! June 21 – The House and the Senate have reached agreement on the budget. Medicaid expansion will not happen now, but a commission will study expansion and report later this year at which point we will get a chance to vote on it again. In great news, flood control payments were 100% restored […]

Mario Ratzki Reports from Concord: May 2013

Voting for the casino bill was hard.

By Mario Ratzki, NH House Representative

The recent late frost hit my grapevines hard. The leaves and the buds were 90% to 100% burned. Not unlike some of my most dedicated supporters, incensed by my support of SB 152, the casino bill. I voted to talk about it and make it better, not to kill it. My “No” vote was a […]