Making Local Democracy Work Requires Participation


By Ken Wells

I think it’s important to realize that our local government in Andover works differently than it does in Concord or Washington, because the rules are different. In just a couple paragraphs, I will try to outline how democracy, “people’s rule,” is set up to work in Andover, focusing particularly on local lawmaking. If you want […]

Louise Andrus’s View From Concord — July

Louise Andrus’s View From Concord — July

Happy August. Let us hope that the forecast will be a long dry Fall. At this writing we have done no haying. Even though our haying is minute compared to others, we are behind like everyone. We had our last House Session for the fiscal year on June 29. It was a short eventful day […]

Deborah Aylward’s View From Concord — May

By Deborah Aylward

Proud to be a part of making history when the budget bill and trailer bills passed by an overwhelming majority, such brings about a raise for state employees, an end to the interest and dividend income tax, and provides $1.4 million to enhance security at the northern border. However, the governor will forfeit one of […]

Louise Andrus’s View From Concord — July

By Louise Andrus

Happy Fourth of July. Excited and looking forward to spending the day celebrating in Andover. Congratulations to all graduates of 2023. Remember — “Don’t ever let anyone steal your dreams.” The Judiciary Committee, of which I am a member, “retained” — this means the House Committee decided to hold a bill to give the committee […]

Constituent Expresses Frustration at Representatives’ Responses

By Donna Baker-Hartwell

On April 18, I attended the public hearing at the State House regarding Senate Bill 272, an act establishing a parents’ bill of rights in education. In addition to parental rights already granted, this bill proposes that school personnel be required by law (under the threat of possible lawsuits and/or employment termination) to inform parents […]

Response to Sununu Telling Fed to “Shove it” Quotes Gary Rayno

By Mary Anne Broshek

While testing out the waters for a presidential run, Chris Sununu was a featured speaker at the recent national convention for the National Rifle Association – held two days after mass shootings in Nashville and Louisville.  As part of his pitch, he boasted about his achievements in New Hampshire:   veto of “red flag” bill […]

Deborah Aylward’s View from Concord, April 2023

By Deborah Aylward

On March 10, the Merrimack County Delegation met for a public hearing and to vote on the 2023 County Budget proposed in the amount of $103,061,963 that had been thoroughly reviewed by respective parties’ sub and executive committees over the past few months. During the public hearing, Administrator Ross L Cunningham reviewed a PowerPoint presentation, […]

Louise Andrus’s View from Concord – April, 2023

By Louise Andrus

In the past few months, House Committees have held public hearings on bills, and then voted on the bills in Executive Sessions. The bills then went to the full House Sessions to be voted on with the committee’s recommendation.  Some of the bills passed were designated with FN (financial), and then were sent to the […]

Deborah Aylward’s View from Concord – March, 2023

By Deborah Aylward

House Record, Feb. 17 Municipal and County Government Committee HB 123, relative to governing body members of the budget committee. Without recommendation. Statement in support of Ought to Pass: This bill amends RSA 32:15, I(b) to clarify the roles of budget committee members, which include representatives from the local governing body and school board (when […]

Louise Andrus’ View From Concord, March 2023

By Louise Andrus

With the arrival of April, I can start heating my greenhouse with my woodstove, and will be taking my starter plants from my house to the greenhouse to transplant. Even though Spring officially started on March 20, our true warmer weather is just around the corner. I would like to share an experience with you. […]