Deborah Aylward’s View from Concord – March, 2023

By Deborah Aylward

House Record, Feb. 17 Municipal and County Government Committee HB 123, relative to governing body members of the budget committee. Without recommendation. Statement in support of Ought to Pass: This bill amends RSA 32:15, I(b) to clarify the roles of budget committee members, which include representatives from the local governing body and school board (when […]

Louise Andrus’ View From Concord, March 2023

By Louise Andrus

With the arrival of April, I can start heating my greenhouse with my woodstove, and will be taking my starter plants from my house to the greenhouse to transplant. Even though Spring officially started on March 20, our true warmer weather is just around the corner. I would like to share an experience with you. […]

Andover Resident Thanks Garden Club for Beautification Efforts

By Janet Moore

A huge thank you goes to the Andover Garden Club for their beautification efforts in our community, from the flowers and bulbs planted and potted, to the spectacular town-wide display of evergreen swags on all of the road signs in town this winter.  Your efforts make my heart sing as an Andover resident! And while […]

Deborah Aylward’s View From Concord – February 2023

By Deborah Aylward, State Representative

These proposals passed the full House without opposition to Municipal and County Government Committee recommendations on February 2 and may be of interest. HB 72: Relative to the tenure of public librarians. Ought To Pass With Amendment.  This bill sought to amend RSA 202-A:15 by changing the wording in a way that would have allowed […]

Louise Andrus’s View From Concord – February 2023

By Louise Andrus

Happy March.  Maple syrup season is in full swing.  Hope everyone has a great season! We are in full swing in the House.  Committee meetings which are public hearings on bills; Committee Executive Sessions on bills which is a vote by the Committee members as to how the bill is going to be passed on […]

Healthcare CEO Urges Citizens to Address Practitioner Shortage

By Jim Culhane, President and CEO

Your healthcare will be getting worse…. The healthcare system, as we know it, is moving towards collapse. I know this sounds shocking – but to people in the industry, and to many people who have accessed healthcare systems in the last year, it shouldn’t be.  At nearly every meeting I attend, either within my organization, […]

Reader Shares Legislative News that Affects Andoverites

By Mary Anne Broshek

Here are a few Legislative items that have caught my attention this month that might be of interest to Andover citizens:  New Hampshire House Bill 101 would bar voters registered as independents from voting in a primary election unless they chose a party affiliation at least four months prior. Andover Republican representative Alvin See spoke […]

Deborah Aylward’s View from Concord for January 2023

By Deborah Aylward

I hope everyone had a peaceful holiday season. I’m excited to see what the new year will bring! As your State Representative providing constituent services, please feel free to contact me anytime at: or 603 217-7842. Did you know? House and Senate Standing Committee Meetings can be viewed online at House Journal No. […]

Louise Andrus’s View from Concord for January 2023

By Louise Andrus

Happy February!  Spring is just around the corner.  We have been very fortunate to have the mild winter to date.  It has definitely helped with the heating bills. Annual school meetings, annual town meetings, and public hearings will be coming up in February and March.  Meeting dates vary from town to town.  Go to your […]

Deborah Aylward’s View from Concord, November

By Deborah Aylward

Fellow Citizens: After a long, but seriously rewarding campaign (which for me included a nine-week transfer station appearance blitz), the people have spoken and the results are in: 1. The Governor, New Hampshire Senate, and Executive Council are status quo. 2. Republicans appear to have a majority in the House (pending recounts) 201-198. 3.  Mary […]