Louise Andrus’s View From Concord August 2022

By Louise Andrus

It is with pleasure that I would like to congratulate some of the students I have learned about from Andover, Danbury, and Salisbury on their college achievements. Kaitlyn Abele of Danbury graduated from the University of New Hampshire. She earned a BSET degree in Mechanical Engineering Tech.  Madalyn Pfeifer of Andover graduated with a Doctor […]

Natalie Wells’ View From Concord, June 2022

By Natalie Wells

As this House Session comes to an end, I want to thank all the constituents of Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, Warner, and Webster for putting your trust in me as your State Representative these past two years and in 2016-2018. I say this now as my District will be changing to Warner, Bradford, and Henniker. I’m […]

Louise Andrus’ View from Concord, June 2022

By Louise Andrus

Congratulations to all graduates of 2022.  The future is yours.  Don’t ever let anyone steal your dreams. Happy Fourth of July.  It is exciting that Andover will be holding the celebration again this year.  I have missed it and look forward to the people and the parade. Redistricting:  The House and Senate passed HB 50, […]

Workforce Housing Shortage Threatens Andover’s Future

Andover Planning Board to address this issue

By Ken Wells

There is a housing shortage that threatens Andover’s long-term viability as a prosperous community. A couple of months ago I attended a meeting of Lakes Region business leaders. At that meeting I heard several executives complaining that their large companies were unsuccessful in hiring the local workers they really need, even though their companies had […]

Redistricting by State Moves Andover into Larger Districts

By Ken Wells

Readers have probably heard on the evening news about “redistricting” in New Hampshire by the party controlling the State House, but have not realized the effect it will have on Andover. Future court action this summer will likely determine the final shape of New Hampshire’s Senate, Executive Council, and US Congressional districts, but the New […]

Louise Andrus’ View From Concord – May 2022

By Louise Andrus

It is time for candidates to sign up for the office they are seeking, and the time period for filing is Wednesday, June 1 through Friday, June 10.  I am a candidate for re-election in the newly-created District 5 (Andover, Danbury, Hill, Salisbury, Webster) for a second term in the New Hampshire House and will […]

Sheriff David Croft Reflects on His First Year

Adapting to the changing role of police

By David Croft

As I reflect upon my first year as the Sheriff for Merrimack County, I am humbled and honored to report to you the successes and changes that we have undergone to adapt to the changing role of police operations and services in our county, state and our country. Members of the Merrimack County Sheriff’s Office […]

Louise Andrus’ View From Concord, April 2022

By Louise Andrus

In just a few weeks we can plant our main gardens. Very exciting until then to be working outside. In the April Beacon, Mary Ann Broshek wrote an opinion regarding the need for voters to pay attention to what is happening with bills, etc. in the state, and I totally agree with her. The voters […]

Louise Andrus’ View From Concord – March

By Louise Andrus

Happy April!  I have positive and exciting news to share with you.  On March 10 we held our first House Session at Representatives Hall in the State House since 2020.  Sessions were also held on March 15, 16, 17, and 31.    I was passionate about sitting in my assigned chair and being a part of […]

Lack of Knowledge About Teachers Leads to Misinformation

New Hampshire teachers rank sixth in survey

By Ken Wells

Nearly everyone in Andover with personal knowledge of our Andover Elementary/Middle School gushes about what a great place it has been for their children and how fabulous the teachers have been for their kids. Yet public schools and teachers in our town, and all across our state are under fire today. Why? New Hampshire has […]

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