Faith Minton Listens and Can Work With People to Solve Problems

By Charles Albano

It’s important that every New Hampshire community have a voice in shaping the direction of important issues like health care, environmental protection, and property taxes, to name a few. I have known Faith Minton from Warner for over 40 years and, during that time, she has demonstrated a remarkable ability to listen to concerns of […]

Vote for a Candidate Who Will Work to Keep Government Small

By Charles Baer

I urge all to vote to re-elect Natalie Wells for State Representative for the Andover-Danbury-Salisbury-Warner-Webster District 25. Natalie will again work hard to keep the government small and to block tax increases and new taxes, especially a sales tax or income tax. Our reputation as a low-tax state brings new residents and employers to New […]

Candidate Shares Past Struggles That Led to Run for State Senate

By Philip Spagnuolo

I’ll admit I’m not a normal politician. My life experience is decidedly different from most, if not all of Concord. But my past struggles inform a perspective that is sorely needed in our government — the perspective of working people, struggling people, and people who have been left behind. That’s why I’m running for State […]

Vote For Candidates Who Believe in Limited Government Management

By Don and Faith Clendenen

Like many people, we believe in limited government. There are essential functions that governmental agencies are best suited to provide, but not all issues or all problems need government management. We have tended over time to increasingly turn the management of many things over to governmental hands, resulting in restrictions on our liberties, as the […]

As State Representative Candidate Vows to Support All NH Citizens

By Faith Minton

I’m Faith Minton and I’m running for New Hampshire House District 25 State Representative.  I’m running because we need voices in the State House who support all New Hampshire citizens,  someone who will stand up for working families and work to ensure New Hampshire is a place that works for everyone. My husband David and […]

While Candidates Talk About Lowering Taxes, Existing Taxes Keep Increasing

By Bill Bardsley

Both local New Hampshire House Republican candidates talk about lowering taxes. This is an old Republican mantra. It goes along with the pledge to avoid new broad-based taxes. But what happens to existing taxes while this talk goes on? My Andover taxes, for unchanged property, have gone up 119% since 2000. That’s a lot of […]

Louise Andrus Represents Small Businesses and Families

By Shane and Paula Belanger

I am writing to let you know of our support for Louise Andrus as our candidate for District 1 in the November general election. Louise is devoted to her community and has invested a great deal of her time in it over the course of many years. She shares our values by advocating for small […]

Louise Andrus Will  Work to Keep Our Constitutional Freedoms

By Charles Baer

I urge all to vote for Louise Andrus for State Representative for Andover-Danbury-Salisbury District 1. Louise Andrus is a graduate of the former Andover High School and will be an able representative of all three towns in the District. Louise will work to protect our Constitutional freedoms, including the right to keep and bear arms. […]

Slow Mail, Danbury Broadband, Gossip, and A Conflict of Interest in Andover 

By Louise Andrus

Thank you to everyone in Andover, Danbury, and Salisbury that voted either by absentee ballot or in person in the Primary. For those who wanted to vote by absentee, it is great. As a sign-holder in these three towns, I was thrilled to see the great numbers vote in person. The number of voter totals […]

Faith Minton’s Depth of Experience Would Be An Asset As A Representative

By Marie Nardino

Faith Minton is running to represent Merrimack County District 25 in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. Faith is a long-time Warner resident (40+ years) who has spent these many years with her husband, raising their two sons, and contributing to her community in a variety of ways. In addition to her employment as a […]

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