Dear Firefighters of Andover and Neighboring towns: Thank you so much for your quick response and courageous job in fighting the fire at the Blackwater Junction Restaurant on July 16, 2017. We are so thankful that no one was hurt. As we watched those men and women perform an outstanding service in making sure that […]
On June 22 our Representatives in Concord finally passed a budget, which Governor Sununu has promised to sign. As you may remember the House did not pass an operating budget so the joint Committee of Conference worked to tweak the budget passed by the Senate to make it acceptable to the various Republican factions in […]
As I’m sure you are all aware, the State Budget did pass the House and Senate on Thursday, June 22. I want to make sure you are also aware that a significant number of Republican conservatives, including Representative Anne Copp and myself, worked to reduce the final numbers of the budget to the greatest extent […]
June is budget time. The New Hampshire budget is crafted every other year and the new budget will cover state fiscal years from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019. Governor Sununu submitted his budget to the Legislature at the end of February. The process is that the House of Representative has first crack at […]
Here’s our latest edition of Notes from Concord, what’s been happening in the New Hampshire Legislature. We are also trying to show how the Representatives you elected, Anne Copp and Natalie Wells, voted in Roll Call votes. In March and early April there were more than 50 bills with roll call votes recorded. There were […]
Representative Natalie Wells seemed to be confused when she answered my letter to the editor. While I wrote about HB238, and HB238 only, Ms. Wells went off on HB191. HB 238 seeks to establish a committee to study broadband. The reason Fairpoint, and other broadband providers, are so against even a simple study committee is […]
The House of Representatives voted on over 200 bills, some of which were for housekeeping measures, clarifying issues, and bills of high importance to our state. Education: HB 345 -Relative to State Board of Education rulemaking authority over home education programs. This bill wanted to remove home education rulemaking authority from the State Board of […]
Given that this is Town meeting month and a major concern of residents is increasing property taxes, we are focusing on the ways that the State Legislature can bring back past funding to reduce property taxes and 2017 State legislation that will reduce or increase property taxes. Also included is how area legislators voted on […]
At the last town meeting the voters authorized the selectmen to pay $1 to the east Andover Fire Department for a 1989 Ford tanker that they were putting out of service. The fire department knew the town was looking at the truck to turn it into a six wheel dump truck for the town. The […]
She was known to most everyone in Andover when she lived here and she continued to attend Historical Society events, support Scouts, etc. after she moved to the house she had built on the Bays. She wore many hats and was a well-meaning, vocal town character. “I … merely wanted to elaborate on it a […]