Andover Lions Club Offers Three Scholarships

Deadline to apply is Saturday, April 11

Press release

The Andover Lions have three $500 scholarships to award to high school seniors from Andover and Danbury who plan to attend college. Scholarship applications may be obtained from the Guidance Departments of the local high schools or by calling Lions Scholarship Chairman Dick O’Connell at 934-0245. The deadline for submission of applications is Saturday, April […]

Dignitaries on Hand for Post 101 Meeting

Support for the post continues to grow

Press release
Dignitaries on Hand for Post 101 Meeting

For the Andover Crosby-Gilbert American Legion Post 101, it has been many years since the last official meeting of the Post. When the membership dwindled down to eight this past few years, those members decided to call a meeting and discuss making an effort to revitalize the Post. After the efforts of the members, with […]

New Hampshire Circle of Home and Family, February 2015

Fairy tales weren't always so pleasant

By Judy Perreault, NHCHF

“And they lived happily ever after.” That’s the way most fairy tales end, but we found from our NHCHF January program “Once Upon A Time” that this wasn’t always true. Many of the fairy tales contained cruelty and violence and unhappy endings. Because of this, they were originally intended for adults. Over the years, these […]

Andover Congregational Church, February 2015

Second Saturday for Men continues on February 14

By Sandy Miller, ACC

2015 is here, and we will be holding Andover Congregational Church’s annual meeting on Sunday, January 25, following the service (at approximately 11:30 AM). Reports of committees, election of officers, and a new budget will all be items on the agenda. The Mission and Action Committee reports that 41 Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes were filled […]

Community-Minded Residents Brainstorm Local Needs and Opportunities

The discussion continues on Friday, February 6

By Larry Chase, for the Beacon

With planning for the January Andover Community Coffeehouse under way, local residents met again to take another community-building step: They held a pot-luck luncheon and open discussion to come up with other activities that might gain traction in town. On a cold Saturday in January, 21 local residents, most from Andover, came together over soups […]

Andover Service Club Wraps Up a Busy 2014

Welcomes ladies of all ages to serve the community

By Mary Ofenloch, ASC president
Andover Service Club Wraps Up a Busy 2014

This past year, 2014, was a very busy and productive one for the Andover Service Club (ASC). The ovens of the ASC ladies produced delicious homemade goodies for the numerous bake sales held throughout the year, such as the Thanksgiving Pie Sale, bake sales on Town Meeting and Election Days, Fourth of July pie sale […]

Andover’s American Legion Post 101 is Back!

Needs veterans of all wars to join

By Bill Leber, Post 101

As I reported in the previous edition of the Beacon, Andover’s American Legion Post 101 was under pressure to increase membership and activities or be subjected to losing its charter. At its meeting in December, Post 101 decided to make an effort to increase the membership by contacting the many veterans who were invited to the […]

Andover Service Club Scholarship Applications Available

Completed applications due May 1

By Diane Rice, Andover Service Club

The Andover Service Club is pleased to announce that the application process for the 2015 Scholarship awards has begun. Awards are based on academic performance, character attributes, and community involvement and not on financial need. Graduating seniors and adults entering or continuing their education at a college or a professional or technical school are eligible […]

Andover Fish and Game Club Annual Fishing Derbies

February 7 for everyone, March 7 for kids

By Amanda Gross, AF&G Volunteer
Andover Fish and Game Club Annual Fishing Derbies

The unpredictability of this winter’s weather will not stop the Andover Fish & Game Club (AF&G) from hosting its two annual ice fishing derbies. The Al Chadwick Memorial Ice Fishing Derby, which is open to any aspiring angler, will be held on Saturday, February 7, at Kezar Lake in North Sutton. The entry fee is […]

Kearsarge Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Welcomes Libby Curran

New Sunday School teacher

Press release
Kearsarge Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Welcomes Libby Curran

Kearsarge Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (KUUF) welcomes Libby Curran as its new Sunday School teacher. Libby has more than 20 years experience as a first grade and special education teacher. She has won state and national recognition for her work in early literacy, including a 2012 People Magazine Teacher of the Year Award. Sunday School sessions will […]