Theme: Franklin Heroes, Past and Present
Press release
The 12th annual Choose Franklin Community Day will be held on Saturday, May 14, rain or shine. This year’s event, sponsored by Franklin Savings Bank and Mix 94.1 FM, will take place at Odell Park, located on Memorial Street in downtown Franklin. Prior to the event, the Paul Smith School PTO will hold the Hero […]
May 14 at Colby-Sawyer College
Press release
The first annual Dancing with the Lake Sunapee Stars is sponsored by the Lake Sunapee Region Center for the Arts. Join us on Saturday, May 14, at the Sawyer Theater at Colby-Sawyer College for this fun-filled and very exciting evening. It will begin at 5:30 PM with cocktails and a silent auction. Showtime will be at 7 PM. […]
Jorie Graham on Thursday, April 14
Press release
Colby-Sawyer College, a comprehensive college that integrates the liberal arts and sciences with professional preparation, will host Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Jorie Graham on Thursday, April 14, for a reading and discussion of her work in the Archives Reading Room of the Cleveland Library. The event is free and open to the public. Graham is the […]
Admission for a bar of soap
Press release
MAKIN’ ROOM” FOR YOU On Saturday, April 16 at 7 PM, area students will be performing the musical, MAKIN’ ROOM at the First Baptist Church in New London. This original adaptation is being produced by a group of young actors and film makers who want to raise awareness and funds for those suffering from the […]
All-nighter April 2 into April 3
Press release
The fourth annual Relay for Life, a Colby-Sawyer College event, will be held at the Dan and Kathleen Hogan Sports Center beginning at 5 PM on Saturday, April 2, and running through 5 AM on Sunday, April 3. All are welcome to participate. The student-run event raises awareness and funds for the American Cancer Society […]
Poetry and Pastries on April 22
Press release
The South Danbury Speaker Series moves into the new season with new events, but minus the winter Soup and Salad offering. “March came in like a lion and went out like … well, part lion, part lamb, depending on when you thought to check,” notes Kathy Neustadt, the series’ co-founder. “We’re guessing that April is […]
47 panels activated on February 4
Press release
The New Hampshire Telephone Museum (NHTM) is excited to announce that it has gone solar! The idea was raised by a couple of board members at the May 2015 board meeting. According to the museum’s Executive Director, Laura French, “Several of the Museum’s board members have solar at their homes, and the museum staff members […]
Jessica Lahey in New London on May 18
Press release
Lake Sunapee Region VNA and Hospice’s (LSRNVA) luncheon, now in its 17th year, celebrates remarkable women in our area who give back to the community in a big way. Highlights of the luncheon include the annual Women Making a Difference awards and the always-interesting and uplifting message from our guest speaker. This year’s speaker, Jessica […]
Please donate healthy breakfast cereals this month
Press release
We all have heard the expression “April showers bring May flowers,” but did you also know that April has another saying here at Twin Rivers Interfaith Food Pantry (TRIFP) in Franklin? It is “April is cereal month at TRIFP!” So as you enjoy the daffodils, sprouting green grass, and ladybugs, please also remember the needs of […]