TRIP Center, July 2014

Programs and activities

Press release

ON THE ROAD AGAIN 2014 LUNCH IN CONCORD Monday, July 14th at 8:30 AM Take a trip to a Concord restaurant of your choice. Transportation cost is $2.00 and must be paid at time of sign up. Lunch is your responsibility. No refunds will be given. Please sign up at the TRIP Center. PICNIC AT […]

Brenda’s Ride with Friends to Raise Money for Cancer

Motorcycle ride on August 2 benefits Oncology Department at LRGH

Press release

Save the date! The 12th annual Brenda’s Ride with Friends: Fighting Cancer One Mile at a Time will be held on Saturday, August 2, at the Weirs Beach Lobster Pound. For the third year in a row, Winner’s Circle Auto Sales in Tilton has signed on as a $1,000 Gold Sponsor of the event. The ride […]

Franklin Hospital Receives Patient Safety Award

One of just two in the state

Press release

Franklin Regional Hospital (FRH) recently received a 2014 Healthgrades Patient Safety Excellence Award. FRH is one of only two hospitals in the state of New Hampshire to receive this recognition. Only 381 hospitals out of 4,729 evaluated are recognized with the Patient Safety Excellence Award. This distinction recognizes the top 10% of hospitals as leaders […]

Andover Energy Group Minutes, June 5, 2014

Present: Larry Chase, Steve Darling, Pecco Beaufays, Janet Moore, Vicky Mishcon, Andy Prokosch, Jeff Dickinson Larry, Susan, Vicky, and Steve reported on their May visit to Vital Communities in White River Junction, Vermont re: a residential solar group purchase project for Andover. Vital Communities is interested in having Andover participate in a project that might […]

After a Hard Winter, Highland Lake is Ready for Fun!

Boat parade and ice cream social are annual highlights

By Earle Davis, HLPA president

After a very wintery winter, summer is finally here, and we can look forward to the warm, sunny weather ahead. It’s hard to believe ice-out on Highland Lake was just eight weeks ago, with the resident loons returning the very next day. Highland Lake had 141 days of ice coverage this winter, which compares to […]

South Danbury Church Fair Set for July 26

"An enjoyable and welcoming day"

Press release

This year, the renowned South Danbury Church Fair will be held on Saturday, July 26, from 8 AM to 3 PM at the church  at 1411 US Route 4 in South Danbury. The fair features a wide array of activities for young and old alike, from readings and music to a huge yard sale and […]

NHCHF Hears the History of NH Mill Girls

$5 per week, plus 25 cents for food

By Judy Perreault, NHCHF

“Mill Girls” was the last program for the New Hampshire Circle of Home and Family’s Halcyon Seekers before we take a summer break. I’m sure many folks remember when the textile mills in New Hampshire were up and running. A majority of people in the area worked in the mills. At one time, New Hampshire […]

Andover High School All-Class Reunion

Saturday, July 12, in South Danbury

By Judy Poblenz Perreault, AHS '53
Andover High School All-Class Reunion

This is the last notice before the Andover High School all-class reunion on Saturday, July 12. Our get-together will take place at them Ordway Recreational Area, Walker Brook Road, in South Danbury at 10 AM. Look for the blue and white balloons on Route 4 at the end of Walker Brook Road. In the morning, […]

Andover Service Club Seeks New Members

Prepares for a new year at annual luncheon

By Mary Ofenloch, President
Andover Service Club Seeks New Members

On Wednesday, June 11, the ladies of the Andover Service Club (ASC) met at 74 Main (formerly the Millstone Restaurant) in New London for the annual June luncheon. The agenda included opening words by Margo Coolidge, committee reports, and bylaws updating. The Executive Board for fiscal year 2014-2015 was unanimously elected. They are: President, Mary […]