Andover Fish and Game Club Annual Fishing Derbies

February 7 for everyone, March 7 for kids

By Amanda Gross, AF&G Volunteer
Andover Fish and Game Club Annual Fishing Derbies

The unpredictability of this winter’s weather will not stop the Andover Fish & Game Club (AF&G) from hosting its two annual ice fishing derbies. The Al Chadwick Memorial Ice Fishing Derby, which is open to any aspiring angler, will be held on Saturday, February 7, at Kezar Lake in North Sutton. The entry fee is […]

Kearsarge Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Welcomes Libby Curran

New Sunday School teacher

Press release
Kearsarge Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Welcomes Libby Curran

Kearsarge Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (KUUF) welcomes Libby Curran as its new Sunday School teacher. Libby has more than 20 years experience as a first grade and special education teacher. She has won state and national recognition for her work in early literacy, including a 2012 People Magazine Teacher of the Year Award. Sunday School sessions will […]

Franklin Animal Shelter: Pet of the Month, January 2015

This handsome fella is Finch

Press release
Franklin Animal Shelter: Pet of the Month, January 2015

This handsome fellow is Finch! Finch was surrendered to the shelter when his previous owner could no longer keep him. Finch is about two years old. He is a bulldog mix. He is neutered, current on all vaccinations, and house broken. Finch knows some basic commands and responds well to treats while training. He is […]

Beacon Kicks Off 2015 Fundraising

Beacon Kicks Off 2015 Fundraising

Don’t wait for a call in the Fall! Please make your 2015 donation today! It’s that time of year again – time for Andover residents, all of whom receive the Beacon in their mailbox each month at no charge, to make a voluntary contribution for 2015 to help keep the Beacon going. If you receive […]

Free Workshops on Raising Chickens

Saturday, January 17, 2015, in Boscawen

Press Release

Sponsored by the Boscawen Agricultural Commission, Dot Perkins of UNH Cooperative Extension will be presenting two free workshops on raising chickens on Saturday, January 17. Both workshops will be held at the Boscawen Municipal Complex (handicapped accessible) at 116 North Main Street. The first workshop, “Chickens: The Basics – Part I,” will be held from […]

COA Chapin Senior Center, February 2015

Programs and activities

Press Release

Tom & Tom’s Men’s Discussion Group Mondays 8:45 AM We want to hear your stories and we’ll share a few of our own. Come visit over an endless cup of coffee!   French Discussion Group First and Third Mondays at 4:15 PM Join this casual, friendly group to practice your language skills and have fun. […]

Monetary Awards to College Students

Three students recognized this year for their achievements

Press Release

The Wilmot Ladies Aid Society (WLAS) wishes to congratulate its three Merit Award winners for 2014. The WLAS Merit Award Program gives monetary awards to Wilmot residents to help them with their college expenses. These awards are given annually based on exceptional character, scholastic achievement, and community involvement. The program is funded by projects such […]

Workshop at Colby College Campus

Keith Coughlin, Barn Player's Artistic Director, gives insider view of producing a professional musical

Press Release

The community is invited to a Lake Sunapee Region Center for the Arts Workshop on February 10 from 5 PM to 7 PM at Whipple Hall. This workshop event is open to the public and is cost free. Have you ever wondered how professional theater producers choose a show, and negotiate the rights to produce […]

Andover Snowmobile Club Italian Buffet and Raffle

January 31 at AE/MS from 5 to 6:30 PM

Press release

The Andover Snowmobile Club is having its annual Italian Buffet on Saturday, January 31, at the Andover Elementary/Middle School. The dinner runs from 5 to 6:30 PM. The costs are $10 for adults, $5 for ages 6 to 12, and free for ages 5 and under. After the dinner, a multi-item raffle (over 100 items) will take […]

Back in Time to the American Civil War Through Folk Song

Free event Sunday, February 1, 2015, at Wilmot Community Association's Red Barn

Press Release

Spend an entertaining afternoon Sunday, February 1, with Woody Pringle and Marek Bennett as they take us back in time to the American Civil War. The program, “Rally ‘Round the Flag’: The American Civil War Through Folk Song” is presented by the Wilmot Historical Society and sponsored by the N.H. Humanities Council. The event, which […]