The restoration project on the Andover Congregational Church has been completed. A big thank you to all the volunteers from the Andover Church and the community who worked on the project. The volunteers who helped on the Bell Cradle and Steeple restoration project were: John Bourdon (lead), Joyce Bourdon, Greg Bourdon, Gary Cassidy, Jim Emerson, […]
The Wilmot Ladies Aid Society (WLAS) will be hosting its famous Cookie Walk from 9 AM to 3 PM on Saturday, December 6 as part of the Wilmot Community Association’s Holiday Craft Fair. The Cookie Walk will be held at the site of the former middle school gym, now New London Rec., at 119 Cougar […]
Friday, October 24, Lakes Region General Hospital and Franklin Regional Hospital served over 200 meals that featured meat raised without non-therapeutic antibiotics. Joining alongside Health Care Without Harm and more than 200 other hospitals across the country (49 in New England and 1 of 2 in the state of New Hampshire), LRGHealthcare celebrated Food Day […]
The Holiday Swap will once again share gym space with the AE/MS wreath-decorating workshop on Saturday, December 6. It will be open from 8 AM to noon and provide residents with an opportunity to choose items appropriate for holiday gift giving. You may drop off donations the day before at the AE/MS gym, or you may bring […]
Monday Nov 3rd FREE BLOOD PRESSURE/GLUCOSE CLINIC/ASK A NURSE PROGRAM Lebanon Sr. Center 10 Campbell St, Lebanon 10 AM – 12 PM Info: 603-526-4077 WIDOW TO WIDOW SUPPORT GROUP New London Office 107 Newport Rd, New London 10 AM – 12 PM Info: 526-4077 TIME OF REMEMBRANCE Kearsarge Community Presbyterian Church Rte 11, New London […]
Come rock and roll to ’50s and ’60s music. The Blazing Star Grange Sock Hop in June was such a success that Carl Hultberg is setting up his turntables again and bringing his huge collection of 45s to spin some classic rock tunes at the Blazing Star Grange Hall on Saturday, November 1, in Danbury […]
Work on the Andover Congregational Church steeple should be completed by the time you read this article. The rain slowed progress slightly. A big “Thank you!” to John and Joyce Bourdon and their “friends” for their hard work on this project. Our next undertaking is a revamping of the Church parking lot. Plans have been […]
November is music month at the South Danbury Church Speaker Series, and what a month it’s going to be! On Friday, November 7, Lindsey and Grace Schust will present a lively, percussive evening of African drumming. The daughter-mother duo are both members of the faculty of Concord Community Music School and have performed and presented […]
Over 5,000 hearts were full on October 19 as the Greater Concord community joined together at Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. Whether they were honoring the memory of a loved one, supporting a friend just diagnosed with breast cancer, celebrating survivorship, or taking action to raise funds for the American Cancer Society, the crowd appeared […]
With recent concerns over the emergence of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the United States, LRGHealthcare would like to assure its communities that they are well prepared in the unlikely event that Ebola should arrive in the Lakes Region. After the first diagnosis in the United States was made on September 30, many people have […]