LRGHealthcare recently launched a redesigned Web site, including a mobile version. Visitors to will find easy access to provider information, program and services and health resources and the new mobile version offers a simple-to-use interface, providing streamlined access to information such as: Convenience Care and Emergency Services; Search options for physicians, providers and specialists […]
The Friends of the Wilmot Public Library (FOWPL) will present Alejandro’s Olde Tyme Magik Showe at 7 PM on Thursday, May 16, at the Wilmot Town Hall on North Wilmot Road, just off Route 4A, in Wilmot Center. FOWPL will conduct a brief business meeting that will be followed by the performance at 7 PM. […]
Monday June 3rd FREE BLOOD PRESSURE/GLUCOSE CLINIC/ASK A NURSE PROGRAM Lebanon Sr. Center 10 Campbell St, Lebanon 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Info: 603-526-4077 WIDOW TO WIDOW SUPPORT GROUP New London Office 107 Newport Rd, New London 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Info: 526-4077 Tuesday June 4th FREE BLOOD PRESSURE/GLUCOSE CLINIC/ASK A NURSE PROGRAM […]
Our April meeting was our Guest Night which consists of members inviting someone to attend with them, bringing a dish to share, and having an enjoyable evening of great food, fellowship, and wonderful entertainment. This year we held it at the East Andover Grange Hall. We had 48 members and guests. A short meeting was […]
June 2013 Tom & Tom’s Men’s Discussion Group Mondays 8:45am We want to hear your stories and we’ll share a few of our own. Come visit over an endless cup of coffee! In-Stitches Craft Group Mondays 10:00am Join fellow crafters to knit, crochet, sew or whatever craft you favor. A great opportunity to socialize and […]
Have you been searching for a fun and rewarding volunteer opportunity? Do you have a cheerful and accommodating personality? If so, Lakes Region General Hospital would love to have you on their team! LRGHealthcare Volunteer Services is searching for a few personable and reliable volunteers to shuttle patients and guests from their vehicles to […]
The Franklin Regional Hospital Auxiliary is searching for a few friendly and reliable individuals to volunteer in the FRH Gift Shop. The Gift Shop at Franklin Regional Hospital, managed by the FRH Auxiliary, is a hidden gem in the town of Franklin, offering everything from flowers and cards to beautiful jewelry and unique gifts. This […]
Preventing injury and teaching children how to stay safe is the focus of this year’s Child Safety Fair at Westside Healthcare. Join us in celebrating National Safe Kids Day with this fun-filled and informative family event! This free event will take place on Wednesday, May 22, from 4 to 6 PM at Westside Healthcare on […]
The Salisbury Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department will host its second annual open house on Saturday, May 11, from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Salisbury Fire Station, 276 Old Turnpike Road (Route 4), in Salisbury. This is a great time for the community to come tour the fire station and the apparatus. During […]
On March 28, the Upper Valley Humane Society hosted an open house to celebrate Homeless Pet Week. There were lots of animals up for adoption, which even included bunnies. Some of the activities included story time with Smeagle the Beagle, a stuffed animal clinic with Dr. Rothe, and tours of the shelter. During the open […]