Meet the Puppets at the Red Barn in Wilmot

Life-size puppets on April 27

Press release
Meet the Puppets at the Red Barn in Wilmot

Wilmot Community Association (WCA) will host a “Meet the Puppets” session from 2 to 4 PM on Saturday, April 27 at the Red Barn, 64 Village Road, next door to the US Post Office in Wilmot. Caroline Fairless and Jim Sims, both of Wilmot, will show how they make their magical and magnificent masks and […]

Franklin Community Day Brings Fair, Parade, and More

Saturday, May 11, in Odell Park

Press release
Franklin Community Day Brings Fair, Parade, and More

The Ninth Annual Choose Franklin Community Day will be held on Saturday, May 11, rain or shine. This year’s event will take place at Odell Park, located on Memorial Street in downtown Franklin. Activities will begin at 10 AM on Saturday when booths, games, and food concessions open for the day. The Squam Lake Natural […]

COA Chapin Senior Center: May 2013 Calendar

May 2013

Press release

May 2013 Tom & Tom’s Men’s Discussion Group Mondays 8:45am We want to hear your stories and we’ll share a few of our own. Come visit over an endless cup of coffee! In-Stitches Craft Group Mondays 10:00am Join fellow crafters to knit, crochet, sew or whatever craft you favor. A great opportunity to socialize and […]

Blackwater Grange: May 2013

By Bernice Nowell, Blackwater Grange

Blackwater Grange #152 met on April 11 with seven members attending and Master Nowell presiding. The meeting draped the charter in memory of Pauline Corson and Tyler Grace. Marcia McWethy reported that she rescued an eagle and took it to  someone who cares for wild animals. The members enjoyed a program, quizzes, and poems. The […]

NH Citizens Alliance Seeks Summer Interns

Volunteers work toward social, political, and economic justice.

Press release

New Hampshire Citizens Alliance is looking for a few motivated, bright progressives to participate in its summer associate program, a volunteer internship opportunity at its downtown Concord office. NHCA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization with a thirty-five-year history of working towards social, economic, and political justice in the Granite State. Be sure to apply today […]

CarNutz Car Club Announces Cruisin’ Schedule

Press release

VILLAGE PIZZA CRUISE NIGHT May 10 through September 13 , 6-8 PM Friday evenings at 825 Lake Street, Route 3A, Bristol Food discounts, driver prizes, 50/50 raffle 603-744-6886 Gordon Adams CARNUTZ CAR CLUB CRUISE NIGHTS May 13 through September 9, 6-8PM Monday evenings at Sugar River Bank parking lot, North Main Street, Newport Food discounts, ice cream, driver prizes, 50/50 […]

26 Attend Workshop on Geothermal Energy Systems

Tapping the earth's heat for sustainable energy

By Maria Glorioso, Andover Energy Group
26 Attend Workshop on Geothermal Energy Systems

The Andover Energy Group, a local organization of volunteers, conducted its Geothermal Workshop on April 6 in the Andover Town Hall meeting room. The workshop was presented by two experts in the field who explained the “magic” of residential geothermal energy systems, which capture the nearly constant 50- to 55-degree temperature trapped below the earth’s […]