Join the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT) and the Sutton Conservation Commission on Thursday, September 12, at 3 PM for a hike to the historic granite quarries on the newly-added William Bean Quarry easement. This property, which was protected by an easement before it was transferred to the Town of Sutton, was specifically listed […]
Having been a student or teacher most of my life, the arrival of September has always been bittersweet. Now that I’m retired, it’s just sweet, and for many reasons. Summer heat is replaced by less humid, cooler air, which makes hiking a pleasure. The sun now sets before my bedtime, which means I can begin […]
If you’ve lived in Andover for very long, you know Highland Lake. You’ve probably spent time at the Town Beach, gone boating in the summer, or ice fishing in the winter, or even just enjoyed the view while driving by. But I’ll bet there are parts to the lake that many of you don’t know […]
On a recent July morning, about 24 of us gathered on the porch of Bluewater Farm at Bradley Lake to attend an event in the Taking Action for Wildlife program sponsored by the Andover Conservation Commission (ACC). ACC Chair Mary Anne Broshek introduced Dave Anderson, Director of Education and Volunteer Services for the New Hampshire […]
Tomatoes have taken over flower gardens, beans are sprouting next to the bee balm, and more lawns and backyards are now filled with vegetables. Even small gardens can produce an overabundance of vegetables at the peak of their harvest season. Preserving the overflow can help you store high-quality food for later use. Whether you’re preserving […]
Colby-Sawyer College’s first wind turbine was installed in front of the Susan Colgate Cleveland Library/Learning Center on July 13. The 50-foot tall Skystream 3.7 is a residential-scale unit, and the power it generates will feed back into the main electrical system, helping to offset the college’s energy use. Colby-Sawyer is one of the first institutions […]
The First Monday Workshop Series continues this fall at the Boscawen Municipal Complex (unless otherwise noted below) at 116 North Main Street in Boscawen. All workshops start at 6:30 PM (unless otherwise noted below). All talks are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted. To register for talks, please contact the Boscawen Agriculture […]