From beehives to sledding to pigs in blankets!
January 11, 2013 •
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By Diane Adams, AASP / AFAP

Happy New Year everyone! We would like to thank everyone who participated in our fundraiser. We raised enough money to replace some old games and broken toys and restock arts and crafts. We are especially proud of the donation we made to the Heifer International program. Heifer International has worked to bring help, healing, and […]
January 6, 2013 •
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November 29, 2012 •
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By Doreen Perreault, Director, Imagination Inn

November was a month filled with seasonal excitement, frosty mornings, and warm winter jackets. We collected acorns, made leaf creations, and jumped in piles and piles of leaves. It was a busy month at the Inn! We were proud to be a part of a Toys for Tots vendor fair hosted and organized by Lisa […]
November 26, 2012 •
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The Cub Scouts of Pack 489 and the Boy Scouts of Troop 489 collected a total of 277 items during their food drive for the Andover Food Pantry on November 10. Dana Buswell stayed and helped put away the food items. Photo: Tina Cotton
November 26, 2012 •
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By Marisa Zlotocha, Seery Hill

The 14th Annual Seery Hill Halloween Party took place on October 26. The family-friendly event started with a parade of young and old in their favorite costumes accompanied by horses and ponies in coordinating outfits. Fred Flintstone and Ravin the pony were led into the ring by Bam Bam and Pebbles. Somewhere Over the Rainbow […]
November 26, 2012 •
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By Elizabeth Janvrin, EAVP

It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of the year of 2012. The month of November brought us at the East Andover Village Preschool many discussions about our families as we focused on our favorite family stories. Each day was a designated story which came alive in literacy, math, creative […]
November 21, 2012 •
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At Asa Gilman’s fifth birthday party last week, her friends brought canned goods and other non-perishable food items for the Andover Food Pantry. On the day before Thanksgiving, Asa, her brother Sam, and her mom Sarah delivered two big baskets of food to the pantry in the basement of the Town Hall. Many thanks to […]
November 19, 2012 •
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By Diane Adams, Director, Andover After School Program

We had a fun day here at the Andover Five Alive Program (AFAP) playing Halloween games and dressing up. We also had a goody bag hunt after school for everyone. The kids received a number and had to match it with the same number on a pumpkin hidden around the whole building. They love to […]
November 9, 2012 •
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By Doreen Perreault, Imagination Inn Director

After a truly spooktacular Halloween Family Fun night, we begin yet another exciting month here at Imagination Inn. Thank you to all our friends and family here in town and on campus who welcomed our ghosts and goblins during our second annual Trick or Treat. This “haunting walk” has become a great opportunity for our […]
November 9, 2012 •
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By Alicia Colby, EAVP

October has been a busy month at the East Andover Village Preschool (EAVP). It seems like almost every week we’ve been out and about in the community. EAVP families kicked off the month with the annual Harvest Fundraiser, a bake goods and pumpkin sale at Jake’s Market. Thank you to all of those who tasted […]