November 9, 2012 •
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Boy Scout Troop #489 on overnight hike in woods in Andover. Standing are: Koty Lorden, Hayden Buswell, Matt Bent, Jared Frost, and Chase Davis. Kneeling are: Matt Reynolds, Ethan Davis, Nelson Makechnie, and Dave Reynolds.Photo: Doug Bent
November 9, 2012 •
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In November 1996, Pack 489 assembled at the Fairalls’ home to make cranberry-orange relish. Back: Nick Fairall, Matthew Coll, Chris Lamb. Front: Sean Kaulbach, Jason Bisson, Danny Nelson, Ryan Kaulbach. Missing: Sam Mishcon. Photo: Sue Nelson
November 9, 2012 •
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By Diane Adams, AASP Director

Did you know that cows pee milk? This is one of many funny things that kindergarten kids come up with. This makes our jobs so fun and joyful! The Andover Five Alive Program (AFAP) went for a nature walk to collect acorns for the squirrels. We collected over 750 acorns and had several visitors to […]
October 9, 2012 •
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By By Doreen Perreault
Director, Imagination Inn
We are off to a great new year here at Imagination Inn. We enjoyed a Back to School Fun Family Night. The children searched the “school” for ten fish swimming through the building. Each classroom had a fun, hands-on activity to explore. The Panda classroom laced spaghetti and Cheerios, and the Tiger room had a […]
October 9, 2012 •
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By Elizabeth Janvrin Director, EAVP September began with a close look at the story Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We experimented with a coconut shell and water to see if the shell would sink or float. Some of us added other materials from the classroom to the shells to see what would happen with those as […]
October 9, 2012 •
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By Diane Adams Andover Afterschool Program Director The Andover After School Program (AASP) and the Andover Five Alive Program (AFAP) welcomes back all of the students returning to our program and our many new ones. We are very happy to see the new school year begin. The AFAP kindergarten program is in full swing. We […]