AE/MS Recycling Club is Energized
More reminders, more collections

More reminders, more collections
New amphitheater has "stage" with electricity and lawn seating
Nearly 130 shots were given
Andover Elementary/Middle School held its fifth annual school-based flu clinic on October 9 for the students. From 9 to 10:30 AM, 103 students from kindergarten through eighth grade were immunized against the flu. The success of the school-based clinic comes from the convenience of it being held during regular school hours, eliminating missed class time for students and […]
New York City will be their last trip together
“As for New York City, it is a place apart. There is not its match in any other country in the world.” — Pearl S. Buck Planning is underway for the spring eighth grade trip to New York City. Fundraising will require a greater effort from students this year, as 2015 is a particularly large class, and we […]
A year of "firsts" for the young teams
On October 18, the AE/MS Cross Country team wrapped up a very successful second year at the state championships in Londonderry. The season started in September with meets at Kearsarge and Shaker Road, followed by our first home meet at Blackwater Park and the Proctor soccer fields. We wrapped up September with a meet with […]
Something new every year
Bill Leber donates hats for top presentations
The students in the middle school at AE/MS, grades six through eight, participated in the annual day of remembrance. In the social studies classes, the students discussed the importance of remembering September 11, 2001 and December 7, 1941. The students developed an understanding of the events of September 11 and compared them to the attack on Pearl Harbor. […]
ANDOVER ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL October 9, 2014 Dear AEMS Family, Monday was Fire Safety Day and all of the students in K-8 had a chance to visit the Andover Fire Station and learn more about Andover Emergency Services. We appreciate the volunteer time and effort that went into the presentations. It is a favorite […]