AE/MS 2013-2014 First Trimester Honor Roll

5th Grade High Honors Kyleigh Fanny Lillian Furtkamp 5th Grade Honors Cedar Kiedaisch Mia Smith 6th Grade High Honors Hannah Asbury Vienna Marcus 6th Grade Honors Tori Braley Madisyn Brayshaw Clay Farley William Furtkamp Ryelle Jenifer Riley Keezer Dillan Reed Ronan Walsh 7th Grade High Honors Matt Bent Lexi Emeny Aidan Kellogg Samantha Parkman 7th […]

AE/MS Family Letter, January 9, 2014

ANDOVER ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL                                                                                                                                     January 9, 2014 Dear AEMS Family, Happy 2014! I hope everyone had a wonderful vacation! It was great to see everyone return energized and ready to learn. We did have one “extra” day off with our ice day call on Monday. Although I hated to lose a day I […]

AE/MS Kindness Club Wants to Start a Chain Reaction

39 students work on acts of kindness

By Deana Crucitti, Fourth Grade Teacher
AE/MS Kindness Club Wants to Start a Chain Reaction

Every Monday at AE/MS, students meet after school to plan and perform acts of kindness for their school community and for their community at large. The premise of the club is to spread kindness to everyone. The club is designed to liberate the inner desire to treat others with kindness and respect. We want to […]

Aiden Cox in State-Wide Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Press release

The state-wide Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament held on December 14 at the Derryfield School in Manchester was open to students from all 350 middle and high schools in New Hampshire. Each of the participating schools sent a single Champion to represent their school in the final tournament. Thirty-five schools were represented from across the state, with Aiden […]

Shining a Light on Energy Efficiency

By Scott Allenby, Proctor Athletics

Proctor’s on-going efforts to improve energy efficiency are seen loud and clear in the recent lighting overhaul in the Farrell Field House. This lighting project for the gymnasium mirrors the recent investments in high efficiency lighting at the Proctor Ski Area that now allows Proctor to host International Ski Federation-certified night races like the one […]

Proctor Journalism Student Optimistic about “Town and Gown”

Residents concerned for students’ safety crossing Main Street

By Connor Hollenbaugh, Proctor ’14
Proctor Journalism Student Optimistic about “Town and Gown”

Having attended Proctor Academy for four years, I have had countless interactions with Andover townspeople. It was enrolling in journalism class that gave me the push to see what kind of reputation Proctor holds in the eyes of Andover residents and to write an article. Speaking with a handful of people at Jake’s Market and […]