AE/MS Veterans Day Ceremony Honors 50 Local Veterans
Largest turnout of local veterans ever

Largest turnout of local veterans ever
ANDOVER ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL November 14, 2013 Dear AEMS Family, A record was set at AEMS on Tuesday! We had the largest number of veterans attend our assembly than we have ever had. It was wonderful to see them all. I am over-the-top proud of our school community. Audience behavior was exemplary. Singing, […]
Scammers contacting local businesses, going door-to-door
We have received several complaints about people knocking on doors in the Penacook area soliciting money for needy students at MVHS. In some cases they mention a “food coop” or a “food drive.” Please be aware that we do not allow students to solicit door-to-door. The Concord Police are aware of this activity. If you […]
ANDOVER ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL November 6, 2013 Dear AEMS Family, The AEMS school community will come together on Tuesday morning at 9:00 to honor our Andover veterans. We are very fortunate that many area veterans attend this assembly every year. It is very important for our school community to educate our students […]
Andover Fire Department spends a day with AE/MS
Thank you, Andover Fire Department! AE/MS students learned a lot at your open house during Fire Prevention Day. Thanks for spending a full day at AE/MS. We appreciate all you do for our community – you rock! Students are continuing to enjoy traditional fall events and activities. Fall at AE/MS includes soccer, apple picking, Andover […]