AE/MS Family Letter, November 14, 2013

ANDOVER ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL                                                                                                             November 14, 2013 Dear AEMS Family, A record was set at AEMS on Tuesday! We had the largest number of veterans attend our assembly than we have ever had. It was wonderful to see them all. I am over-the-top proud of our school community. Audience behavior was exemplary. Singing, […]

Area Scams Refer to MVHS

Scammers contacting local businesses, going door-to-door

By Mike Jette, MVHS Principal

We have received several complaints about people knocking on doors in the Penacook area soliciting money for needy students at MVHS. In some cases they mention a “food coop” or a “food drive.” Please be aware that we do not allow students to solicit door-to-door. The Concord Police are aware of this activity. If you […]

AE/MS Family Letter, November 6, 2013

ANDOVER ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL                                                                                                                         November 6, 2013 Dear AEMS Family,   The AEMS school community will come together on Tuesday morning at 9:00 to honor our Andover veterans. We are very fortunate that many area veterans attend this assembly every year. It is very important for our school community to educate our students […]

AE/MS News

Andover Fire Department spends a day with AE/MS

By Jane Slayton, AE/MS principal
AE/MS News

Thank you, Andover Fire Department! AE/MS students learned a lot at your open house during Fire Prevention Day. Thanks for spending a full day at AE/MS. We appreciate all you do for our community – you rock! Students are continuing to enjoy traditional fall events and activities. Fall at AE/MS includes soccer, apple picking, Andover […]