Includes Touch-a-Truck event; October 15
By Shawna Otis
All are welcome to attend the Andover Fire Department’s first annual Open House and Touch-a-Truck event on Saturday, October 15, from 10 AM to 2 PM. Meet our firefighters and EMTs. The fire department will be open to the public, with lunch and snacks, goodies for the kids, games for all, giveaways, and demonstrations throughout […]
Group invites others to join in on October 8 and 15

A group of eight hard working individuals gathered at Philbrick Cemetery at Old College Road and Maple Street to scrub and clean each gravestone and foot stone in this old graveyard. What a difference a few hours make! Drive by and take a look. We will be meeting again on Wednesday, September 28, at 9 […]

Workdays are September 17 and 28, 9 to noon
By Cheryl Swenson
Geologist Don Hilton said, “All rock begins to weather from the moment it is removed from the earth.” Weathering from rain and wind, as well as lichen growth can make the names and dates on our local gravestones difficult to read. A damaged gravestone means a loss of family, community, and cultural history. We can’t […]
Annual recognition given by Fourth of July Committee
Press release

Each year the Andover Fourth of July Committee chooses an outstanding volunteer to receive the annual dedication. This year, they are very pleased to announce their choice of Fire Chief Rene Lefebvre. The following text appeared in the booklet printed by the Committee for the celebration: Andover is very fortunate that Rene Lefebvre made East […]
Thank you to all the valued volunteers
Press release

We’re back! Andover stepped up for another amazing Independence Day Celebration. The weather could not have been better. Spirits were high as the town turned out to make this 80th celebration one for the record books. Non-profits reported brisk sales of raffle tickets and refreshments. They could barely keep up. We had some of our […]
Andover is fortunate to have helpful residents
By Marjorie Roy
Andover is truly fortunate to have residents who volunteer to serve on committees and boards, beautify the landscape, provide rides to those who need them, staff a genuinely nice Thrift and Gift Shop, put on one heck of a great Fourth of July celebration … the list goes on. We thank you all! We still […]
Supervisors of the Checklist Public Session September 3
By Lee Wells
The New Hampshire Primary Election is on Tuesday, September 13. As a recent article in the New York Times about events in Croydon pointed out, one of the enemies of democracy is complacency. Don’t take democracy for granted: be informed, be involved, and vote! You may register to vote at Town Hall up until Saturday, […]
Press release
The Voter Checklist for Andover will be posted at the Andover Town Office for public review by Tuesday, August 16. A public session of the Supervisors of the Checklist will be held on Saturday, September 3, at 10 AM at the Andover Town Office to make any necessary corrections to the Voter Checklist. This public […]
They stepped in to help where needed
By Marjorie Roy and Andover Select Board
Thank you, Jon Champagne! A long overdue “Thank you!” goes out to Jon and Joane Champagne. In the Town’s time of need, Jon stepped up to be Road Agent for two years and, of course, that meant Joane stepped up to do the required bookkeeping and recordkeeping. Small town America was built on neighbor helping […]