Public hearings on August 9 and September 13
By Ken Wells
The Andover Planning Board is tackling the challenging housing crunch that many are experiencing in Andover. In an article published in the July issue of The Andover Beacon, the grave problems caused by our region’s shortage of workforce housing were explained in some detail. [You can read the July article at] In short, new […]
Thank you to the participating businesses
By Judy Perreault
The Andover Fourth of July raffle was a big success, with 57 happy winners. Winning tickets were picked by an independent person who was not associated with the Fourth of July Committee and had not bought any tickets. Prizes were arranged from the most expensive to the least, and as tickets were picked they went […]
Public hearings in August and September
By Andover Planning Board
These changes will be presented in public hearings on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 and Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 7 PM in the Andover Town Hall. Article V: Zoning District Regulations – Working Draft D. Village District (Zone V) 1. Permitted uses: – Neighborhood stores for the retail sale of new goods – Neighborhood service […]
Annual BBQ on July 30 in East Andover
By Rene Lefebvre
I think that many of us had no idea how much COVID-19 would change our daily lives. We know that we needed to do what was necessary to help each other and get this behind us. Though not necessarily gone, we do feel it is safe to come out and enjoy our freedom again. What […]
Press release
The Andover Police Department handled 170 calls for service during May, including: Abandoned Vehicle: 2 Assist Citizen: 6 Child Abuse: 2 Civil Issue/Stand-by: 4 Dog Loose: 4 Dog Barking: 2 Domestic Dispute: 1 Keep the Peace: 2 Manner of Operation: 6 Public Relations Talk: 1 Road Hazard/Obstruction: 4 Sexual Assault: 2 Sexual/Obscene Material: 1 Shots […]
You're invited to enter a float in the parade
Press release

The Andover Fourth of July Committee is busy putting the finishing touches on what will be a fun-filled day for Andover. If we go back to the origins of Andover’s Fourth of July celebration, the town’s children were at the forefront. That holds true even today. There will be lots of fun things for kids […]
Vial of LIfe form available on internet
By Andrew Perkins
Have you ever had to call 911 for a medical emergency? Chances are it was not a calm experience, depending on the problem. Whether it is a family member, friend, or even your own emergency, important medical information written down and readily available can save valuable time for first responders. Relevant information such as full […]
Device prevents damage; saves money
By Vicky Mishcon
I have received inquiries about the Beaver Deceiver program here in Andover from some pretty interesting places. People from all over the country find their roads and properties are an ideal beaver habitat and are looking for ways to co-exist. Most recently, I received a call from a limnologist (a scientist who studies the characteristics […]
Press release

A new Finance Assistant, Cristy Reny-Perkins, has been hired to work in the Select Board office alongside Marjorie Roy, Andover’s Town Administrator, and Elita Reed, the Town’s Finance Director. Her duties, in addition to working with financial tasks, include updating the Town’s website and greeting the public during posted hours. According to Cristy, she and […]
Please do not feed the ducks and geese!
By Marj Roy
Feeding waterfowl can create problems for the birds, their environment, and people. The idea that waterfowl cannot survive without human help is false. Many species of water birds have survived for thousands of years without human help, and they are thriving. Please enjoy our local waterfowl from a distance and respect their wilderness. By doing […]