In the August issue of the Beacon, Colby-Sawyer intern Aaron Hodge wrote a basic introduction to special education in general. In this article, we’ll dig into the extremely complex question of how we budget, fund, and account for special education in Andover. The Beacon is still planning a future article to try to answer the […]
July 10 Condensed from approved minutes Present: Members Mary Anne Broshek (chair), Larry Chase, Tina Cotton, Jerry Hersey, Nan Kaplan Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT) Nan reported that ASLPT had acquired two new easements in Springfield and New London; that the state’s Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) has been fully funded for […]
July 22 Condensed from approved minutes The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Selectmen was convened at 6 PM by chairperson Mishcon. Those in attendance: Selectmen Mishcon, Danforth, and Coolidge; Road Agent Jon Champagne; Town Administrator Marjorie Roy. Road Agent’s Report Jon thanked his crew for setting up and taking down the traffic barriers […]
Condensed from approved minutes Present: Members Justin Carey, Nicole Donovan, Tom Frantz, Ellie George, Howard George, Tim Norris, and Brian Reynolds. Alan Hanscom checked in by phone. Swimming: Despite a lot of effort by Ellie George and Sarah Lester, no swimming instructor could be found. There was a discussion about trying to come up with […]
July 23 Condensed from approved minutes Members present: Paul Currier, Chair; Jon Warzocha, Vice-Chair; Nancy Teach; Pat Moyer; Wood Sutton; and Duncan Coolidge, ex officio Also present for duration of appropriate items: Wendy Pinkham; David and Irene Nye Announcements Paul Currier met with the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their July 16 meeting to discuss […]
June 12 Condensed from approved minutes Present: Mary Anne Broshek, Tina Cotton, Jerry Hersey, Nan Kaplan. Excused: Larry Chase, Jason Dudek. Guest: Beth McGuinn, Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT) ASLPT Update – Nan The event for Deb Stanley, ASLPT Executive Director, was well attended. ASLPT is in the process of getting re-accredited. They are […]
May 8 Condensed from approved minutes Present: Mary Anne Broshek, Tina Cotton, Jason Dudek, Jerry Hersey, Nan Kaplan, guest Sandra Graves. Excused: Larry Chase ASLPT Update Nan updated members on ASLPT happenings. Of particular interest will be a Woods Forum that will be held in Andover in August. More details to follow. Updates from Prior […]
Board of Selectmen July 1 July 22 (postponed from July 15) Planning Board July 9 July 23 Zoning Board of Adjustment July 16 Recreation Committee July 10 Conservation Commission July 10 School Board July 2
Our 30th annual Chicken BBQ is in the record books. The turnout was smaller than in the past, however everyone seemed to have a great time. The kayak was won by a family across the channel from the fire station. Between the Fourth of July and the Chicken BBQ, we did well with our fundraising […]