Kit Norris Gets “Into” Her Work
Service Club volunteers keep the flower beds blooming

Service Club volunteers keep the flower beds blooming
Please join the Andover Conservation Commission on Monday, August 19, at 10:30 AM at the Blackwater Junction Restaurant on Route 11 in Cilleyville to learn more about the various types of wildlife supported by and attracted to boggy and swampy areas of our town. Emma Carfagno, Wildlife Program Assistant from the UNH Cooperative Extension, will […]
Marty Dustin adds local t-shirts to memorial
Marty Dustin was born in Franklin and lived with his wife Diane in Andover from 1981 to 1995. Marty was a Franklin firefighter and was very involved in the community, serving on the Andover School Board and volunteering with the Andover One Wheelers and as a sports coach, among other roles. Marty and Diane now […]
The first in a series for Andover taxpayers
This is the first article in a planned series about Special Education. This article tackles one relatively narrow question: in general, what is Special Education? In future articles we plan to look at other important, specific questions like: How and why do we budget for and pay for Special Education in Andover? How do we […]
Condensed from approved minutes Present: Selectmen Mishcon and Coolidge, Transfer Station Supervisor Reggie Roy, Town Administrator Marj Roy Single-Stream Recycling Reggie Roy reported that open containers could be utilized until the decision is made as to whether/how single-stream recycling (SSR) will work. Recyclables can be taken to Belmont, Hooksett, or White River Junction. The tonnage […]
Construction continues in August on the big culvert project to the east of Andover Village (pictured here) and on the big bridge project to the west, in Cilleyville. Photo: Charlie Darling
Conservation Commission presents three local events
The Andover Conservation Commission’s (ACC) summer-long “Taking Action for Wildlife” project continues in August with a talk and walk focusing on Bog Bond, an illustrated talk by Rick “MooseMan” Libbey, and a continuing wildlife photography exhibit in the Andover Public Library. Here’s the line-up: Bog Pond Talk/Walk On Monday, August 19, beginning at 10:30 AM, […]
And that's not counting avoided delivery charges
The figures are in for the stone crushing operation that the Road Agent ran at the Transfer Station in April, and the results look good for Andover taxpayers. Road Agent Jon Champagne and his team rented the appropriate equipment and turned thousands of yards of natural fill from the land behind the Transfer Station into: […]
Andover's classic car club is growing
Forty-nine classic cars turned out for the Road Relics Car Club’s car show at Pizza Chef in Andover on the Fourth of July. This was an increase of over 25% from last year’s show. There were all kinds of cars, from antique to cool modern. There were different styles and colors, but they all had […]
A clear day between two rainy weeks
It was a perfect day for the Andover Fourth of July celebration. The super-hot weather didn’t discourage attendees or participants. The Firecracker 5K racers had to beat the heat as well as the other racers. An early morning power outage in Andover necessitated the use of generators to run the coffeepots at the Andover Lions […]