Town of Andover Winter Maintenance Policy and Ordinances

Introduction Ice and snow control on our town roads is necessary for routine travel and for emergency services. The Town will provide such service in a safe and cost-effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel, and environmental concerns. The Town will use town officers and employees and town-owned equipment and/or private contractors and their […]

Beacon’s 2013 Fundraising Needs A Boost – From You!

The paper and the Web site grow; support dwindles

By Charlie Darling, Beacon staff
Beacon’s 2013 Fundraising Needs A Boost – From You!

It’s that time of year again – time for Andover residents, all of whom receive the Beacon in their mailbox each month at no charge, to make a voluntary contribution to help keep the Beacon going. The Andover Beacon is published by Community Publishing of Andover, Inc., a 501(c)(3) public charitable trust. We rely on […]

November 2012 Tied For Second Driest Month In 32 Years

Not even close to the driest month: February ’89

By Bill Bardsley, for the Beacon

Remember November – way back in 2012, half a winter ago? It was a sunny, dry month, so dry that it tied August, 1996 as the second driest month in Andover since 1981.* (That’s when I began keeping precipitation records.) * Like some recent baseball records, this one needs an asterisk. I had a substitute […]

Town of Andover Winter Maintenance Policy and Ordinances

Introduction Ice and snow control on our town roads is necessary for routine travel and for emergency services. The Town will provide such service in a safe and cost-effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel, and environmental concerns. The Town will use town officers and employees and town-owned equipment and/or private contractors and their […]

Andover Moves to Semi-Annual Tax Bills in June 2014

Saves town about $9,750 per year

By Andover Board of Selectmen

Once again, the issue of semi-annual tax billing was brought before the Andover Board of Selectmen at a selectmen’s meeting in November. Analysis shows that the cost to the Town of borrowing money is not insignificant. From 2006 to 2012, the Town has paid $79,602.70 in interest to borrow money in order to pay our […]

Get Ready To Vote In 2013!

By Charlie Darling, Beacon staff

Town Meeting Day is coming up on Tuesday, March 12, and with it comes your chance to elect Town and School District officers. If you’re not registered to vote, it’s quick and easy. If you’ll be out of town or homebound on voting day, casting an absentee vote is also easy. There’s no excuse not […]

Recreation Committee Minutes, November 13, 2012

Condensed from approved minutes

The meeting began at 7:40 PM. Present were committee members Nicole Donovan, Tom Frantz, Darryl Furtkamp, Christine Frost, Pat Frost, Ellie George, Howard George, Alan Hanscom, and Brian Reynolds. The October minutes were accepted by the committee. The committee members discussed and approved starting the monthly meetings earlier than 7:30, especially during the winter season. […]

Andover Blood Drive Dedicated To Tyler Graf

Proctor 2012 graduate is battling leukemia

Press release
Andover Blood Drive Dedicated To Tyler Graf

Proctor Academy is hosting a Red Cross blood drive on Tuesday, February 14 from 10 AM to 4 PM, at the Stone Chapel, 204 Main Street, on the Village Green. This year’s drive is dedicated to New London’s Tyler Graf, who graduated from Proctor last June. A National Honor Society member and captain of Proctor’s […]

Flu Hits Early And Hard In NH This Year

So far, Andover has been spared the worst.

By Charlie Darling, Beacon staff
Flu Hits Early And Hard In NH This Year

The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) reports that this year’s flu season is early and widespread compared to last year. Since December there have been 40 flu outbreaks, mostly in nursing homes and long-term care facilities, which is unusually high for this time of year. In our area, the Convenience Care […]

Planning Board Minutes, November 27, 2012

Condensed from draft minutes

Members present: Jon Warzocha, Chair; Nancy Teach; Pat Moyer; Don Gould; Wood Sutton; Paul Currier; and Harvey Pine, alternate appointed to vacant position. Also present for duration of appropriate item: Buckman Brownell; Alan Koop Minutes of November 13, 2012 meeting Currier – Motion to approve as amended Gould – Second Vote – Unanimous to approve […]