A new Finance Assistant, Cristy Reny-Perkins, has been hired to work in the Select Board office alongside Marjorie Roy, Andover’s Town Administrator, and Elita Reed, the Town’s Finance Director. Her duties, in addition to working with financial tasks, include updating the Town’s website and greeting the public during posted hours. According to Cristy, she and […]
Condensed from approved minutes Present: Jesse Schust, Nancy Robart, Sooze Hodgson, Tina Cotton, Lee Wells, Jenny Bodwell, Jerry Hersey Also attending: Donna Duclos Motion made by Lee and seconded by Jesse to have Tina and Sooze be full voting members tonight. ASLPT (Jesse): Route 4A Bog Pond land status. Before Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust […]
Feeding waterfowl can create problems for the birds, their environment, and people. The idea that waterfowl cannot survive without human help is false. Many species of water birds have survived for thousands of years without human help, and they are thriving. Please enjoy our local waterfowl from a distance and respect their wilderness. By doing […]
April is the Board’s Organizational Meeting; as such, the superintendent presides. Board Members Present: Aimee Menard, Dan Newton, Steve Chella, Kayla Chandler. Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Dennis Dobe, Kathleen Boucher, Hilary Denoncourt, Dennis Audet, Beth Page Public Present: Janet Moore, Matt Welch, Vanessa Welch, Donna Crisp Duclos Superintendent opened the floor to nominations […]