My name is Tina Nussbaum Wagler and I’m asking the community to vote for me as a Library Trustee for the Andover Libraries. Libraries are an essential part of our communities that provide many valuable resources to all ages. Libraries are also places for people in a community to connect with one another. When my […]
I have lived in Andover for 20 years now, and have participated as a volunteer in several organizations. I began with the Alternative Energy Group at its inception and have enjoyed watching the fruits of our labor — solar panels and weatherization programs among them — as we work to lower electricity costs by promoting […]
It is my intention to seek reelection to the Andover Select Board. It has been an honor serving our community, and I am committed to continuing the progress we have made together. During the past year I have focused on enhancing Board efficiency and transparency, and through organizational and administrative changes we have improved accessibility […]
My name is Charlie Stewart and I am running for a three-year term as Selectman. I was first introduced to Andover when I started dating Bill Bardsley’s daughter, Christina, seven years ago. I was living in Manchester and she was in Andover. I found that I loved this quiet community, and I was excited to […]
First and foremost, I believe the job of a Select Board is to protect the people of the town. This includes fiscal responsibility as well as services. I believe in making “informed decisions,” which requires a willingness to be informed! I recently retired from Commercial I.T. (Information Technology). During that time, having been involved in […]
As someone who grew up in Andover, moved away, and then moved back so that my kids could experience small-town culture, here is what I would like to accomplish as a Select Board member: * I try to attend as many different Board and Committee meetings as possible. I have seen that the communication between […]
Once again, October started the budgeting process for the Town. This year the Budget Committee (BC) and the Select Board (SB) met bi-weekly, on Mondays, at 6 PM, in the Town Meeting Room. The Town Administrator, a Select Board member, School Board member, Fire Commissioner, and department heads worked together to make the process as […]
060 Town News – Town Meeting – At the Polls – 01 – Select Board – Beaufays After purchasing the Highland Lake Inn/Andover Barn 18 years ago, Andover has become my beloved hometown. I bring a long history of marketing and sales experience in the service sector spanning three continents, and now, settled here in […]
To all Andover citizens: I am writing to give you an update on the 2024 Andover Town Meeting Warrant. Attached with this article is a 2024 budget explanation page. The highlight of my writing is that the requested amount is down this year by $582,726.40. As citizens are aware, I would like to point […]
Deborah Converse — Candidate for School District Treasurer — Candidate for Town Treasurer My name is Deborah Converse. I am running for the position of School District Treasurer as well as the Andover Town Treasurer. After selling my home in Northfield a few years ago, I moved to Andover to be closer to my daughter, […]