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(but this report is much better used ONLINE so you can click the link to edit an article!)


This report looks at all the posts for the last 90 days. It shows which posts are featured on which days (starting with today and looking ahead forever) so you can be sure we have enough but not too much to feature on a given day.

You can also check for these other errors:

  • A Featured post that has no dates
  • A post that has a date but is not marked Featured (once you enter a date, you can never go back to “no date”)
  • A post that is not Featured, but should be. 

ERRORS TO FIX IMMEDIATELY: Marked as “Featured Post,” But No End Date Present!

…therefore, these posts will be featured forever.

Feat StartThru Title
true 7/18/24 New London Rotary Club Presents Awards

ERRORS TO FIX IMMEDIATELY: One or More Date(s), But Not Featured

…therefore, these posts will NEVER be featured.

Feat StartThru Title
false 7/19/2024 Former Teacher Wesley McNair Speaks
false 6/21/24 Video games, board games, craft galore & pizza

CURRENTLY FEATURED, or Will Be Featured Soon

The first eight are currently showing; the rest will move to the top as currently-featured posts reach their end dates.

Feat StartThru Title
true 7/21/2024 Saving Money and Financial Independence
true 7/22/24 Ausbon Sargent Protects 145 Acres in Salisbury
true 7/24/2024 Salisbury Historical Society News
true 7/25/2024 New Sign Points the Way to Thrift & Gift Shop
true 7/26/24 Mobility on the Go Closet
true 7/28/2024 Hub Hosts Rock, Blues ‘n’ BBQ Fundraiser Event
true 7/31/24 New London Hospital Announces 98th Hospital Days
true 7/31/2024 Salisbury Free Library News
true 7/31/2024 Salisbury Farmers Market Is Open
true 7/31/2024 Salisbury's Old Home Day
true 7/31/2024 News and Events in Wilmot
true 7/31/2024 AE/MS Dedicates Hallway to Gretchen Hildebrand
true 8/3/24 Andover Holds Open House for Newly Completed Highway Garage
true 8/4/24 Blue Heron Frequents East Andover Brook and Field
true 8/10/24 Kids’ Back-to-School Clothing Swap to be Held at The Hub
true 8/16/24 FNRT Summer Raffle a Huge Success
true 8/16/24 Meet the Candidates
true 8/17/24 The Andover Service Club Awards 3 Scholarships
true 8/17/24 Fish & Game Club Annual Famous Beef BBQ
true 8/18/24 Programs and services set at North Wilmot Church
true 8/20/24 Lions Club Gift Stagecoach to Town of Andover
true 8/26/24 The Fourth of July Raffle
true 8/30/24 Mah Jongg Class Coming to The Hub
true 7/18/24 New London Rotary Club Presents Awards


These posts were featured once … if the content is still “fresh,” you could feature them again.

Feat StartThru Title
true 7/20/24 Andover Community Church News
true 7/20/2024 The Loons Are Nesting Again
true 07/18/24 Protecting Yourself against Identity Theft
true 7/18/2024 South Danbury Church News
true 7/18/24 July Events at your Andover Libraries
true 7/17/24 Zumba Comes to The Andover Hub!
true 7/15/24 Louise Andrus’s View from Concord
true 7/15/2024 68-Year-Old Grandmother Arrested by NYC Police
true 7/15/24 Andover Historical Society Grateful for Festival’s Success
true 7/14/24 KNP Korner — June News
true 7/14/24 Arts Weekend in Sunapee Harbor, July 12–14
true 7/14/2024 History Mystery: Where is the Body?
true 7/14/24 Through the Reading Glasses — July
true 7/14/24 Highland Lake Protective Association Updates
true 7/13/24 W. A. Bachelder Library New Acquisitions — July
true 7/13/24 Andover Public Library New Acquisitions — July
true 7/12/2024 Proctor Academy Bids Farewell to Six Long-time Employees
true 7/12/24 Small Libraries, Endless Reading Choices
true 7/12/24 Children Enjoy Pizza and Spelling Their Names
true 7/11/24 Lake Sunapee Region Chamber Hires Marketing Coordinator
true 7/10/24 Children Watch the Andover Library Ramp Construction
true 7/10/24 own Office and Library Construction Work Continues
true 7/09/2024 Proctor Academy Celebrates its 176th Commencement
true 7/9/24 Using Essential Oils in the Garden
true 7/08/2024 Annie MacKenzie New Assistant Head of School at Proctor
true 7/8/24 Children Enjoy Healthful Snacks while Reading Outside
true 7/6/24 Cartoon Monster Night at NH Fisher Cats
true 7/06/2024 Round Robin of Historic Sites
true 7/5/24 Franklin's Winni River Days Offers Whitewater Fun, Live Music, and More
true 7/05/2024 Choosing a Medicare Advantage Plan
true 7/5/24 Andover Police Service Calls — May
true 7/4/24 Library Friends Build Volunteer Base
true 7/4/2024 Andover Celebrates Fourth of July 2024 with Many Events
true 7/04/2024 Andover Plans a Sparkling Fourth of July Celebration!
true 7/4/24 Fourth of July 2024 Dedicated to Andover Lions Club
true 7/2/24 Gretchen Hildebrand Thanks Everyone for 47 Enjoyable Years at AE/MS
true 6/29/24 Adoptable Pet Casey Jones Awaits a Home
true 7/18/24 New London Rotary Club Presents Awards

NEVER FEATURED and Never Will Be

Be sure there’s nothing in this list that should be featured!

Feat StartThru Title
false Deborah Aylward's View from Concord — July
false Abbigail "Abby" Jean Dukette-Cornell - June 15, 2024

Guidelines for Picking a “Featured Thru” Date

Don’t Feature

In general, these types of articles aren’t worth featuring. But any time you think an exception is justified for a particular article, that’s fine!

  1. Letters, Op-Eds, and Minutes of any kind
  2. Candidate profiles at election time
  3. Events in the past that didn’t happen in Andover
  4. General news from organizations that aren’t in Andover or closely associated with Andover
  5. Obituaries of people who never lived in Andover (unless the service is in the future and is in an area church)

Inflexible Dates

Articles that are about an event, a deadline, an effective date, etc. that is in the future should always be featured, and picking the Featured Thru (FT) is pretty much inflexible:

  1. If the article is about an event, etc. that takes place in the future, then the FT date should be the date of the event. But if there’s a “sign-up-by” date for the event, then FT should be the sign-up-by date instead of the event date.
  2. If the article is about multiple events in the future, then FT should be the earliest date (or sign-up-by date) of all the events.


Anything that’s interesting and/or important to our readers, but whose interest and/or importance will fade as the days go by, should be featured sooner rather than later. And the more interesting and/or important, the sooner it should be featured. Examples: Results of Town Meeting or elections; changes at the Town Hall; interesting new plans or ideas from a committee or org; etc.

Flexible Dates

Everything else that’s not covered above can be featured, but you’ll want to pick each article’s FT based not on anything in the article, but based on the current array of FT dates in this report. (In other words, these featured articles act as “filler” to keep the front page of the website looking fresh.)

The goals in selecting flexible dates are:

  1. To have at least one article assigned to every day over the next couple of weeks so that we know the front page of the website will never be exactly the same two days in a row.
  2. To have no more than about 3 or 4 articles assigned to a given date (if possible), so every featured article gets to appear in the featured section for at least 2 or 3 days.

That said, there are a few things to consider that will help you pick the best date for a given article:

  1. If any days in the next two weeks have no articles featured, then assign this article to the first date that has no articles.
  2. Otherwise, if the article is about an event in the past, assign it to the first available day that doesn’t already have 3 or 4 articles assigned to it.
  3. Otherwise, if it’s early in the content cycle, pick the day that currently has the fewest articles assigned to it.
  4. As it gets later in the content cycle, consider selecting the next day beyond the most distant day that currently has an article assigned to it.

Problem Solving

  1. If you’ve already got 3 or 4 articles featured on a given date, and now you need to add another because its FT is inflexible, then look at the others for that date. If one of them has a flexible FT date, then change it to a different flexible FT date (click the article’s link; change the date; Update; refresh this FT report). If they’re all inflexible dates, then consider moving the least important one a day or two later (or even earlier, if you have to).
  2. If you need to “unfeature” an article, for whatever reason, you can’t just delete its FT date (long story … don’t ask). Instead, change its FT date to 1/1/01, which means its window to be featured has passed (years ago!).