A Secret Garden in Potter Place

By Pat Cutter, Andover Historical Society
A Secret Garden in Potter Place

Potter Place was a very busy village within the Town of Andover in the early 1900’s.  It was a railroad hub and had a large hotel, two village stores, a livery stable and many homes, large and small.  In the early 1800’s, before the Northern Railroad came to town, it was a quiet backwater and […]

Historical Society offers  annual fund-raising raffle

By Larry Chase
Historical Society offers  annual fund-raising raffle

The Andover Historical Society’s annual summer raffle will be a little different from those of past  years. Instead of a basket of donated gifts, the lucky 2018 winner will walk away with $100 worth of New Hampshire Lottery tickets! Proceeds from this fundraiser help with the everyday expenses of the Historical Society’s museum facilities in […]

Another Glimpse of Life at the Turn of the Century

By Rita Norander
Another Glimpse of Life at the Turn of the Century

Another Glimpse of Life at the Turn of the Century ANOTHER GLIMPSE of LIFE at the TURN of the 2Oth CENTURY Part 2 INTRODUCTION This is the last in a series of five articles which give a glimpse into the life and times of the Robie family of East Andover. In my previous article, we […]

Ken Cushing to Speak on Northern Railroad’s Impact on Franklin on May 3

At Franklin Historical Society Museum

Ken Cushing to Speak on Northern Railroad’s Impact on Franklin on May 3

On Thursday, May 3 at 7 PM the Franklin Historical Society offers a fascinating talk by renowned railroad historian Ken Cushing. Cushing will discuss the evolution and importance of the Northern Railroad to Franklin’s development and economic impact as an industrial center. An efficient rail service was essential in the horse and buggy era, allowing ease […]

Volunteer Needed for “50 Years Ago in Andover”

Do you miss this feature?

By Steve Foley

We have heard from our readers that they enjoyed the “50 Years Ago” article that appeared each month for many years in the Beacon. Heather Makechnie volunteered to gather and edit the Andover News that appeared in the Franklin Journal Transcript each week back in the day. She did it every month for many years. […]

Dating the “Settlers Dugout Canoe”

Historical Sources Can Help Date Artifacts

By John A. Hodgson, Andover Historical Society
Dating the “Settlers Dugout Canoe”

  The “Settler’s dugout canoe” rests prominently on display in the Andover Historical Society Museum and holds pride of place in the Society’s history, too.  Its recovery from Adder Pond (also known as Hopkins Pond) in 1982 was the catalyst that prompted the creation of the Society, and in recognition of that fact the dugout […]

AE/MS Students Compete in Historical Society Contest

Students create written, artistic, oral or visual projects

By Sarah Will, Andover Historical Society

The Andover Historical Society is pleased to announce the winners of its new annual contest for the students of Andover Elementary and Middle School.  Mychal Reynolds (Grade 5) wins first prized for his project on Tim Norris and the Olympians of Andover. Aubrey Simard (Grade 4) wins second prize for her essay on Margo and […]

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