Mike Cryans Works for Everyone Regardless of Party Affiliation

By Gerald Coogan

I am writing in strong support of Mike Cryans for re-election to the Executive Council, District 1. Mike has served with distinction since beginning his term on January 3, 2019. The New Hampshire Executive Council shares authority with the Governor regarding appointments, approval of contracts over $10,000, and the granting of pardons. The Executive Council […]

Rep. Karrick Urges Support for Ratzki’s Bid for County Commissioner

By David Karrick

Mario Ratzki is running to be the Merrimack County Commissioner representing Merrimack District 2. He’s on your ballot if you reside in Andover, Canterbury, Franklin, Salisbury, and eight other towns. We’ve been friends since we ran successfully in 2012 to represent Andover, Salisbury, and several other towns in the New Hampshire Legislature. We worked on […]

We the People Rally in New London Represented Area Democratic Committees

By Marie Nardino

The Andover Area Democrats (Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, Warner, Webster) are excited to be part of the Kearsarge Democrats, along with the New London Town Democratic Committee.  We were thrilled to participate in the We the People Rally, held on the New London Town Green, on Saturday, October 10.  It was a beautiful autumn day to […]

Vote for the Two Candidates with Heads on Their Shoulders

By Mario Ratzki

On November 3, please vote for the two candidates with heads on their shoulders. That would be my good friend and neighbor, Ken Wells, for Merrimack 1, and Faith Minton for Merrimack 25. Ken voted for this year’s budget, which brought in revenue sharing for Andover for the year 2020 and 2021 of $166,000; for […]

When Faith Minton Sees a Community Need, She Acts

By Lois Shea

I met Faith Minton when I was coaching youth softball, and she was acting as a mentor to a girl on my team who needed a positive role model. Faith owned and operated a small business and already wore many volunteer hats in town. But she signed up to be a youth mentor because she […]

Faith Minton’s Experience Includes Education and Community Service

By Kerry Ingold

To the many people who may know little about Faith Minton, candidate for the New Hampshire House of Representatives, I would like to provide some information. Faith brings many varied experiences to her candidacy, from education (school teacher, Kearsarge Regional School Board representative, Friends volunteer mentor,) to community service (Warner Fall Foliage, board member of […]

Former JFK Supporter Gives Support to Natalie Wells for District 25

By John Leavitt

I was once a staunch supporter of John F. Kennedy and the Democratic Party.  In the ’60s I was considered a liberal, now I’m seen as a conservative despite my beliefs remaining mostly unchanged. I vote in every election and cast votes for only those candidates that I have knowledge about, regardless of party. I […]

I’m Giving My Support to Natalie Wells, A Dedicated Public Servant

By Bob Giuda

Natalie Wells is a dedicated public servant, with common sense, sound judgment, and a strong sense of the values that make New Hampshire the great place it is. I’ve worked with her in Concord when she served as your Representative, working hard for the people and businesses in her district. She has your best interests […]

Faith Minton Has Been a Strong Advocate for Children and Education

By Richard Cook and Rebecca Courser

Please consider voting for Faith Minton, a Warner resident and Democrat running for NH State Representative in District 25. Faith has lived in Warner for over 40 years.  During that time she has been very instrumental in her community, serving in a variety of capacities in education by working as a public school teacher, co-founding […]

Natalie Wells Understands What it Means to be a Representative

By Trish Demers

The definition of a Representative (in this case, New Hampshire House of Representatives) – of a Legislative or deliberative assembly, consisting of people chosen to act and speak on behalf of a wider group. Natalie Wells understands this. She listens to what her constituents are saying, and when someone goes to her with a particular […]

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