I’m David Karrick, running for my third term in the New Hampshire legislature, representing Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, Warner, and Webster which comprise Merrimack District 25. I’ve served two terms on the House Ways and Means Committee. I am proud to have worked to extend Medicaid Expansion, protecting the healthcare rights of women and children, lifting […]
I am a write-in candidate for the September 13 Democrat primary. I live in Andover on the farm my parents purchased in 1951. I worked for the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services for nearly 30 years, ending as the Director of Family Assistance. My division determined eligibility and benefits for 30+ public assistance programs. We won […]
Having spent the last two years serving Franklin and Hill in the New Hampshire House, I am now seeking the District 7 Senate seat. I am quite proud to have served on the Commerce Committee during those years. For those who are unaware of the process in the House, most work on legislation is done […]
During the past two years I have remained focused on finding practical, common-sense solutions to expand opportunity for all Granite Staters. Through strong bipartisan efforts, we passed a fiscally responsible budget that funded our state employees employment contract, increased funding for substance use disorders, and cut business taxes for the first time in over 20 […]
I believe We Are All District 1 Strong, and I know we all have a sense of place and love our home. The current and future security of the special quality of life we are deeply connected to hinges on many decisions made in Concord. I recognize that District 1 families struggle on a monthly […]
Since being elected to the Executive Council in 2014, I’ve worked tirelessly to make the North Country’s voice heard in Concord. I’ve driven over 120,000 miles throughout District 1 and have 100% Governor and Council meeting attendance. My focus as Executive Councilor is on three main issues: Combating the Opioid Crisis: Last November in Newport, […]
The three hot topics as a challenger are: Planned Parenthood contract, Medicaid Expansion, and judicial appointments. I would like to accomplish the following as your next Councilor: vote for the Planned Parenthood contract, vote to renew Medicaid Expansion, and remove the partisanship from qualified appointments. In addition, we all have to do as much as […]
In 2016, Andy Martin’s family celebrates 100 years of New Hampshire living. His family came to Manchester in 1916 (AndyMartinNewHampshire100.com). Today, Andy is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter, exposing corruption in both the Democratic and Republican parties. He has a distinguished national and international career (AndyMartin.com). Andy has 50 years of experience in Asia, Southwest […]
As a veteran, a graduate of the Air Force Academy, a small businessman, and a former state legislator, I have seen first-hand the challenges that face our nation. Our national debt is now $19.2 trillion, $60,000 for every man, woman, and child in America. Government waste, high taxes, and over-regulation are crippling our job-creating small […]
When people in Europe and elsewhere pay as little as 10% of what we pay in the United States, then something is seriously wrong with our system. We need regulation of the profit that hospitals and their suppliers are making; and suppliers include makers of artificial limbs, CAT scanners, any equipment hospitals use and mark […]