Franklin Animal Shelter Pet of the Month: Boo Boo

She could lose a few pounds

Press release
Franklin Animal Shelter Pet of the Month: Boo Boo

This big girl is Boo Boo! Boo Boo is a lovely domestic, short hair, grey tiger cat. She is about eight years old, and she is spayed, litter box trained, and current on all her vaccinations. Boo Boo can be a bit reserved at first but seems to warm up to people once she feels […]

Grange Plans White Sale for March’s Winter Market

Buy a St Patrick's Day meal, too

Press release

In order to clear out stock to make way for Spring inventory, various craft vendors at the Winter Farmers’ Market are having their first-ever End of Winter “White Sale.” Some of the items on special are: Sally’s Choice Jewelry is offering 20% off dragonfly and seahorse pendants, and Newfound Farm’s tunics are 50% off. This […]

February Winter Market Celebrates Valentine’s Day

Next market: March 1, in Danbury

Press release
February Winter Market Celebrates Valentine’s Day

The groundhog may have decided to sleep in, but folks were out enjoying the warming weather and the specials vendors had to mark the midwinter and Valentine’s Day. Celebrating its seventh season, the Blazing Star Grange’s indoor winter market grew out of a need to supplement summer markets at a time when gardens are bare […]

It’s Time to Apply for Service Club Scholarships

Applications due by May 2

By Diane Rice, Andover Service Club

The Andover Service Club is pleased to announce that the application process for the 2014 Scholarship awards has begun. Scholarship applications are available at the Andover Elementary/Middle School, Proctor Academy, Merrimack Valley High School, and the Andover Service Club Thrift Shop. They may also be downloaded from The Andover Beacon’s Web site at Awards […]

The Rest of the Town Report for 2013

The annual Town Report includes reports from all the Town committees, boards, commissions, and other entities that form our local government. It also includes reports from some agencies and organizations that serve our community. To round out this annual update, the Beacon asked over 20 other organizations that serve our community for a short report on their […]

Concert and Silent Dessert Auction Fundraiser

To benefit New Hampshire Telephone Museum

Press release

The New Hampshire Telephone Museum is excited to host its first annual museum fundraiser on Saturday, February 15, at 6:30 PM at the Warner Town Hall. This evening is sponsored in part by the Sugar River Bank and TDS Telecom. The evening begins with a wine and cheese reception and the opportunity for guests to […]

Free Athletic Performance Series Continues Through April

Golf to aquatics at LRGHealthcare locations

Press release

The Rehabilitation, Sports, and Fitness Department of LRGHealthcare is excited to announce the winter/spring 2014 Athletic Performance Series topics and dates. These free programs are designed to assist the coach, the athlete, or the everyday exerciser toward developing sport-specific skills or improving their overall fitness. Individuals are welcome to attend one or all. Moving Towards […]

Patricia Goldrick Named WCA Volunteer of the Year

Reports "a wildly successful year" to annual meeting

Press release

The Wilmot Community Association (WCA) named Patricia McGoldrick as its volunteer of the year during the organization’s annual meeting, Saturday, Jan. 25. In July 2012, McGoldrick agreed to spend two years as the WCA’s executive director. Also lauding McGoldrick for her work on behalf of the WCA were Meredith resident Sen. Jeanie Forrester, N.H. Senate […]

Andover Lions Club Looks for New Members in April

It's time to involve more young adults

By Joyce Egge, Andover Lions Club

The Andover Food Pantry, sponsored by the Andover Lions Club and The Andover Beacon, continues to serve many folks in need and is a valuable resource in the community. We, as well as those who depend upon it, appreciate the support. The need never lessens, and it is our goal to continue to meet that […]

Free Speaker Series Continues in South Danbury

February 7 and 21 at the church

Press release

In January, the South Danbury Church kicked off the second year of its Speaker Series with the addition of supper – a light meal of soup and salad – offered before the presentation to help “warm up” the audience. “People enjoyed the Soup Nights last month so much that we’ve decided to keep it going […]