A Few Gardening Tips and Favorite Tools

A Few Gardening Tips and Favorite Tools

By now, you are hopefully enjoying the fruits of your labor.  With the wet start to summer, the vegetables are thriving but so are the weeds.  One of my favorite things to use to vanquish weeds is the Hoedag (see link below, Duluth Trading). This handheld tool is the best ever for quackgrass  (Elymus repens, […]

Heavy Rainfall Results in Water Quality Challenges and Risks

The above-average rainfall New Hampshire has experienced this month is causing our lakes and rivers to swell, which creates hazards for our residents and visitors. Naturally, once the rain stops and blue skies return, people will want to recreate in the water, but be aware that the rains bring certain risks that remain, even on […]

Loon News

Loon News

The loons on Highland Lake began nesting for the second time after their first attempt failed for reasons we do not know on or about July 1st. As I write this update, they are half way through the incubation period. If all continues to go well, we could see a loon chick or two chicks […]

Scientist Explains PFAS and Why They Are Health Hazards

Awareness can help to limit exposure

By Harvey Pine

PFAS is an acronym that rose to prominence in New Hampshire and the nation nearly a decade ago, when the contaminant was discovered in groundwater at the Pease Air Force Base in Greenland, New Hampshire. The contamination spread to public water wells and was present in concentrations above health standards.   The source of PFAS contamination […]

Preservation Committee Urges Public to Give Loons Space

Nests are vulnerable to boat wakes and threats

Press release
Preservation Committee Urges Public to Give Loons Space

The Loon Preservation Committee (LPC) is reminding the public that from now through mid-to-late July, loons will be nesting throughout the state. Loons nest on lakes and ponds and often build their nests along the shoreline of islands, in marshes, or along the mainland shoreline.  Adapted for life in the water, loons cannot walk on […]

Not “One and Done” — May Frost Takes Farmers by Surprise

Many plants died; some survived 26-degree temps

By Lorna Carlisle
Not “One and Done” — May Frost Takes Farmers by Surprise

Okay — you win some, you lose some. The hard frost on May 18 took a lot of farmers by surprise. Even commercial farmers lost a lot of crops. Apples, peaches, strawberries, blueberries, and other fruits could all be affected by the freeze.  Depending on where you live, it could make a big difference whether […]

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