April 21, 2017 •
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By Lawre Goodnow, EAVP
The month of April provided lots of opportunities for the children to observe weather of all kinds. It was hard to imagine spring until much later in the month. While we were waiting, we used our observation of clouds and the water cycle to jump start a folktale study of Jack and the Beanstalk, […]
Registration starting for the new year
April 19, 2017 •
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By Shawna Otis, AASP Director

The month of April was a fun one here at the Andover After School Program! Thanks to the beautiful weather, we spent a lot of time outside playing on the playground and playing games like Red Light, Green Light and tag. We played with bubbles and played hopscotch. We used our imaginations while playing […]
Shaun Del Bene of the National Guard visits
March 19, 2017 •
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By Shawna Otis, AASP

The month of February and March brought great excitement to the Andover After School Program. We tried new foods like papaya, mango, and plumcots, along with making our own snacks like muddy buddies, rice crispy treats, and cookies. We enjoyed the warm weather while it lasted and even had our snack time outside! During vacation […]
Enjoying a visit to the Trail Side Sugar Shack
March 19, 2017 •
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By Amy Rheaume, EAVP

Experiential learning is the process of learning through experience. One of the ways we integrate this philosophy into our program at EAVP is by going on field trips. In March, we had the good fortune to visit Zach Barton and his team of helpers at the Trail Side Sugar Shack on Currier Road. Prior […]
Winter is a busy time
February 23, 2017 •
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By Shawna Otis, AASP Director

Over the last couple of months, there has been a lot of snow! The kids here at the Annex are enjoying every second of it! Sledding on the back hill is a fun activity that brings the kiddos together and gets a lot of laughs going. Snow forts have been made, as well as […]
New year registration begins March 1
February 22, 2017 •
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By Lawre Goodnow, EAVP

Despite snowy conditions, the East Andover Village Preschool held its annual Spaghetti Dinner and Raffle on February 11 at the AE/MS gym. The event was very well attended with over 100 people braving the weather to support the Preschool. The success of this fundraiser helped the school reach its goal of $3500, which goes to […]
Camp will be held at AE/MS from July 10 to 14
February 15, 2017 •
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Press Release
Does your child like to sing, dance, or act? Does he or she have a gift for creativity? A brand new theatre day camp is making its way to the Lakes Region for the summer of 2017. The camp is being offered by One Light Theatre Co., a Bristol-based professional/community organization that is quickly making […]
Annual Spaghetti Dinner February 11
January 26, 2017 •
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By Amy Rheaume, EAVP
February is here and with it, Valentine’s Day. Preschools everywhere will be building on the theme of friendship and love. At EAVP, it is just another month; we build on these themes all year long! At the beginning of each school year we ask the parents of our students what they would like their children […]
November 29, 2016 •
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By Shawna Otis, AASP

The children and staff at AASP tried out yoga and hope to make it a regular activity. A huge thank you to everyone who attended our Autumn Harvest vendor fair and to everyone who helped to make it a possibility! It was a successful fundraiser for us, and we’re hoping it will become a yearly […]
Fundraising assists scholarship funding
November 29, 2016 •
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By Lawre Goodnow, EAVP

This years Creepy Crawl and Kids Run had about fifty participants and thirteen sponsors. On November 18, EAVP hosted a family night for currently enrolled children. The purpose of the evening was to give families the opportunity to spend time in the classroom with their child doing activities representative of those done each day. The […]