Welcome back to Miss Stephanie!
Press release

Despite the cold New Hampshire has brought us this winter, at East Andover Village Preschool (EAVP) we have managed to get outdoors. Our preschoolers love playing in the snow, from making snow angels and snowmen to sledding down the hill on the playground. Often a teacher will sit at the top to give the preschoolers […]
For children aged three to seven
Press release
Summer program registration for East Andover Village Preschool camp is here! Camp will be separate from our regular school year program and based on enrollment and staffing. Camp is offered for all children between the ages of three and seven years. Daily water play will be offered. Field trips will be planned based on ability […]
Press release

Happy New Year from East Andover Village Preschool! Some of our favorite learning experiences from 2021 included our enthusiasm to explore nature, coming together during circle time for group conversations, and expressing our love of the seasons through art. As we closed out the year, we celebrated the holidays, learning about different customs and traditions. […]
Runs from June 27 to August 19
By Stephanie D'Amour

Registration is open for EAVP Summer Camp! Our camp will be separate from our regular school year program and will be based on enrollment and staffing. All children between the ages of three and seven years old are welcome. Activities and daily water play will be offered. Field trips will be planned based on our […]
Cash Calendar fundraiser a success
By Stephanie D'Amour

At EAVP, we take every opportunity possible to teach our preschoolers about kindness and teamwork. In our classroom we have been focusing on communication, problem solving, and expanding our imaginations. As educators it is our job to help prompt and promote our students’ dramatic play. Our preschoolers recently expressed an interest in camping and hiking. […]
Space available for new enrollees
By Stephanie D'Amour

This year we welcomed eight new children to our little school, joining the eight children returning from last year. We still have enrollment space for children three to five years old, with half day and full day options. We have had a fabulous first month! The first few weeks of school are all about getting […]
No summer program this year
By Stephanie D'Amour

We closed out the 2020-2021 school year with a fun end-of-year celebration filled with songs, family, and food. We had a wonderful turnout to say goodbye to a crazy year. It was especially hard to wish our students farewell this year, knowing we would not see them all summer. Unfortunately, we were not able to […]
Remembrance of alumni who have passed
By Judy Poblenz Perreault ‘53
Once again, due to COVID-19, we were unable to hold the annual Andover High School reunion. We hope by next year all will be vaccinated and we can resume all the activities that have been cancelled. Thanks to Shirley Henderson Currier who had the foresight to save some copies of the Blue and White Banner, […]
By Stephanie D'Amour

Registration spots still available
By Stephanie D'Amour

Registration spots are available for the ’21/’22 school year with full day and half day options. E-mail EAVP@nulltds.net for information. This month we want to send a big thank you to a group of students from Proctor Academy and an alumni parent for coming to spruce up our playground for Earth Day! The students […]