AE/MS Family Letter, May 1, 2014

ANDOVER ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL                                                                                                                           May 1, 2014 Dear AEMS Family, Rain, rain go away – Enough already – Although it has given me the opportunity to notice that at AEMS umbrellas are back in style! Many younger students have been sporting some pretty snazzy umbrellas this spring! The best part is they […]

AE/MS Poetry Night Ends in Two Ties!

Two winners in sixth grade and in seventh

By Brenda Lance, AE/MS faculty

AE/MS held its annual poetry night on April 10 with a packed house in attendance. The audience was exceptional, as they were delighted with poems that were funny, sad, classic, and even a few student originals! They heard renditions of O Captain, My Captain, The Road Less Traveled by Robert Frost, and two from our […]

“Little Shop of Horrors” is Proctor Spring Play

Three Andover students involved in the production

By Chuck Will, Proctor Academy

Andover’s Max Barrett, Kelsie Berry, and Curtis Chamberlin are contributing to the success of Proctor’s spring musical production of Little Shop of Horrors, which plays in the Norris Family Theater on Friday and Saturday, May 23 and 24, at 7 PM. This hilarious play tells the story of a hapless flower shop owner who raises a […]

Planting on Earth Day

Proctor students help plant the school garden at AE/MS

By Chuck Will, Proctor Academy
Planting on Earth Day

AE/MS Track Starts a New Season

Good turnout from grades six through eight

By AE/MS Athletic Department

The school year seems to be flying by, which means we are gearing up to start the track season. Coach Nick Fairall will be returning to Andover for another season with the team. With his great energy and knowledge of the sport, the athletes are sure to soar this year. Coach Fairall motivates students in […]

Honk! the Musical at AE/MS: “Awesome … Professional”

Students learned valuable skills

By Gretchen Hildebrand, AE/MS second grade teacher
Honk! the Musical at AE/MS: “Awesome … Professional”

I had the honor of attending Honk! the Musical on my birthday this past March 27. What a wonderful decision it was, too! The Andover Players put on an awesome, professional show. Honk! (lyrics and story by Anthony Drewe, music by George Stiles), which is based on Hans Christian Andersen’s The Ugly Duckling and originally […]

The Gettysburg Address Comes Alive at AE/MS

Students memorize speech for 150th anniversary

By Jim Tucker and Heidi Unger, AE/MS

Some of the most famous words that everyone can recollect from their United States history knowledge are “Four score and seven years ago…” Those words bring forward the image of Abraham Lincoln standing tall in his tall black hat. The Gettysburg Address made a lasting impression and is one of the most famous speeches given […]

AE/MS Honor Roll, Second Trimester 2013-2014

5th Grade High Honors Cedar Kiedaisch   5th Grade Honors Jarrett Benson Katie Bent Kyleigh Fanny Lilly Furtkamp   6th Grade High Honors Hannah Asbury Vienna Marcus   6th Grade Honors Madisyn Brayshaw Clay Farley Will Furtkamp Madalyn Goodwin Hunter Hawks Ryelle Jenifer Riley Keezer Chase Keyser Garrett Munson   7th Grade High Honors Lexi […]