State Plans to Replace Two Andover Highway Bridges

Attempts being made to minimize rail trail closures

By Ken Wells
State Plans to Replace Two Andover Highway Bridges

The New Hampshire Department of Transportation has appointed two commissions to conduct a series of meetings about replacing two state highway bridges in Andover.  The first bridge to be replaced will be the Rte 11 bridge near Dyer’s Crossing. In a subsequent project, planning for replacement of the Rte 4 bridge near Fenvale Road will […]

Fire Department Barbecue Offers Homemade Food and Company

Also looking for volunteers; training offered

By Jake Otis

The Andover Fire Department’s annual chicken barbecue is right around the corner! This is our favorite time of the year as we get to have a large amount of our community members all in one place. We all join together for a night of great food and company. If you love BBQ chicken, baked beans, […]

Town Administrator Names Summer the “Committee Season”

Outlines committees’ activities and goals

By Kimberley Brown Edelmann

In terms of Town Municipal Governments, summer is often a fairly quiet period. This is in comparison to the busy budget season in the fall, town meeting preparation season in the winter, and the post town meeting reporting season in the spring. This summer could be nicknamed committee season, as we will have three new […]

Andover Police Department Service Calls for May 2023

By Patricia Moyer, for Chief Mahoney

The Andover Police Department handled 246 Calls for Service during May 2023 including: Abandoned Vehicle: 3 Assist Citizen: 12 Assist Social Service Agencies: 2 Good Morning Andover: 33 Juvenile Runaway: 1 Liquor Law Violations: 1 Manner of Operation: 4 Road Hazard/Obstruction: 10 School Walk-Through: 15 Suspicious Person/Vehicle/Incident: 4 Theft: 3 Traffic Accident: 2 Traffic Offense  […]

Firefighter Recognizes Past Members with Flags Placed on Graves

Volunteers helped to identify former members

By Meghan Barton
Firefighter Recognizes Past Members with Flags Placed on Graves

On Memorial Day, Firefighter Jeff Miller recognized past members of the Andover Emergency Services by placing fire department flags on their graves in our Andover and East Andover cemeteries. FF Miller started his research by asking community members, as well as by searching old documents, to find former members of the Andover Fire Department, East […]

Andover Conservation Commission —  Minutes, May 3, 2023

Members present: Jenny Bodwell, Tina Cotton, Sooze Hodgson, Nancy Robart, Jesse Schust, Nancy Teach, Lee Wells Also attending: Donna Duclos Tina was voted in as a full member. Minutes: approval by unanimous vote. Dyer’s Crossing/McDonough lot  We will refer to it as McDonough Parcel. We will contact Colin Brown in Bristol for surveying. ASLPT  Roundtable […]

Town Holds First Master Plan Informational Meeting

Next one meets Saturday, July 15, at 10 AM

By Ken Wells

On Saturday, June 10, nine Andover citizens met to find out more about the process for updating Andover’s Master Plan. Attendees included members of the Planning Board, Select Board, Zoning Board, and Conservation Commission, as well as members of the general public. Planning Board chair Ken Wells opened the meeting by explaining that NH RSA […]

Notice of Public Hearing – Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Andover X-A002(034), 20650

By Kimberley Edelmann

Under NH RSA 230:14 and Public Law 100-17 (Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987), a public hearing has been set to discuss the proposal to replace two of the existing Red List bridges that carry NH Route 11 over the Northern Rail Trail and over Sucker Brook. This project may impact historical […]

From the Town Administrator’s Office – May Updates

Town Hall radon issue has been resolved

By Kimberley Edelmann

The month of May was one for the history books. And, in part, good riddance, I say! The radon problem with the Town Offices/Library Building has been completely resolved. Our radon levels are now nearly at zero: a massive change from our peak levels in the 40s. And with the air filtration systems we now […]

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