Andover’s Road Agent Completes First Year in Role

Frank Bryson appreciates community support

By Kimberley Edelmann
Andover’s Road Agent Completes First Year in Role

After a long winter, it’s great to see summer arrive. As I write this, Memorial Day is fast approaching. Andover’s Highway Department is currently sprucing up the beach area, including the guard rails along Channel Road, in anticipation of opening day. The supervisor of the Highway Department is Road Agent Frank Bryson. He just completed […]

Andover Police Department Service Calls for April 2023

By Chief Mahoney

The Andover Police Department handled 203 Calls for Service during April, 2023, including: Assist Ambulance/Rescue: 2 Assist Citizen: 5 Assist Motorist: 7 Assist Police: 6 Assist Social Service Agencies: 3 Manner of Operation: 5 Road Hazard/Obstruction: 2 School Walk-through: 10 Stranded Motorist: 1 Suspicious Person/Vehicle Incident: 2 Theft: 3 Traffic Offense–Arrest: 1 Traffic Offense–Citation: 5 […]

Planning Board Asks for Help to Update the Master Plan

Vision of how we see the future Andover

By Ken Wells

What is the Master Plan? The Master Plan is a powerful vision statement of how we wish our town to be in the future. It is a manifestation of the people of Andover’s self-determination for the next decade, because it is created through a democratic process that welcomes public involvement.  Andover citizens’ vision and “legislative […]

NHDOT Launches Two Bridge Replacement Projects in Andover

Next meeting is June 27 at Town Hall

By Ken Wells

On May 11, a group of Andover residents met with Professional Engineer Tim Dunn and Design Engineer Hans Weber of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT). This was the second public hearing meeting between DOT and Andover residents on the topic of the coming Andover bridge project, near the Franklin line on Route 11. […]

Town of Andover Appoints New Emergency Management Director

Anthony Booth replaces Jane Hubbard

By Kimberley Edelmann
Town of Andover Appoints New Emergency Management Director

On April 28, Andover resident Anthony Booth was officially appointed by the Select Board as the Emergency Management Director for the Town of Andover. The position was previously held by Jane Hubbard, who recently relocated to a nearby town. Mr. Booth is Deputy Fire Marshal at the New Hampshire State Fire Marshal’s Office where he […]

Fourth of July Committee Invites People to Enter a Float

To win big, read the article below

Press release
Fourth of July Committee Invites People to Enter a Float

Eighty-one and counting! Eighty-one years ago, Andover’s young military members answered the call, following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. To brighten the spirits of the townsfolk, especially the children, the Blackwater Grange organized the first Andover Fourth of July celebration, which consisted of a children’s parade.  And here we are today, carrying on the tradition. […]

Andover Fire Department News

Remember to get a fire permit

By Jake Otis, Deputy Chief
Andover Fire Department News

We are back! I know it has been a few months since the Andover Fire Department has had an article in the Beacon, but it has been very busy around here with some administrative changes.  As most of you know, Chief Rene Lefebvre has retired from the Andover Fire Department after 49 years in the […]

Two Talented Bands Perform in Andover

Thursday night, June 8, 6 PM, at AE/MS

Press release
Two Talented Bands Perform in Andover

The annual fundraiser for the Fourth of July will be held Thursday, June 8, at 6 PM, at the amphitheater to the left of the Andover Elementary Middle School parking lot. This is a rain-or- shine event. If weather is questionable, the bands will perform in the school gym. The Fourth of July committee has […]

Andover Police Department Service Calls for March 2023

Press release

The Andover Police Department handled 235 Calls for Service during March, 2023, including: 911 Hangup: 1 Assist Motorist: 4 Child Abuse: 2 Criminal Trespass: 2 Dog Loose: 3 Good Morning Andover: 42 Littering-Illegal Dumping: 1 Road Hazard/Obstruction: 9 Traffic Accident: 1 Traffic Offense-Citation: 7 Traffic Offense-Warning: 60 Warrant-Criminal/Civil: 1 Welfare Check: 3 ARRESTS: Brendan Henss, […]

Town of Andover – Administrator’s Report for April

Key results of Town Meeting; radon

By Kimberley Edelmann

Herbicide Program As I write this, we are experiencing 80 degree weather in the middle of April. Wow. Spring has sprung! The first blooms of the season are here, the grass is coming back to life and insects are waking up. With the warm weather, we can also expect weeds. New Hampshire Electric Cooperative has […]

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