Roadside Dumping of Paint Cans Leads to Disposal Reminder

Ask Transfer Station attendants for guidance

By Marjorie Roy

Recently, approximately 20 one-gallon cans of paint were left on the side of several town roads.  The highway crew picked them up, dried them out, and properly disposed of them. If you are unsure of how to dispose of something, please ask the Transfer Station attendants. They are trained in all kinds of disposal regulations.  […]

Andover Police Department, September 2021

By Patricia Moyer

The Andover Police Department handled 214 calls for service during September, including: Animal Livestock Complaint: 2 Assist Ambulance/Rescue: 5 Assist Citizen: 7 Assist Motorist: 3 Assist Police: 4 Civil Issue/Standby: 3 Domestic Dispute: 2 Manner of Operation: 3 Road Hazard/Obstruction: 5 Suspicious Circumstances: 3 Theft: 1 Traffic Arrest: 2 Traffic Citation: 15 Traffic Warning: 85 […]

Warrant Article to Outline Proposed Conservation Subdivision

There will be two public hearings

By Andover Planning Board

 Suppose that you are the owner of a hypothetical 20-acre parcel in rural Andover and you wish to subdivide and develop that buildable parcel in a way that maximizes your financial return for housing development. Today’s subdivision ordinance would tend to steer such a 20-acre landowner towards creating a “suburban” housing development of 10 two-acre […]

Recreation Committee Plans Fall Soccer Program

Director Tom Frantz stepping down

By Scott Allenby

The Town of Andover’s Recreation Committee has been hard at work planning and executing this fall’s soccer season. Soccer program co-directors Abby Webster and Scott Allenby have helped oversee teams at the kindergarten through second grade, third and fourth grade, and fifth and sixth grade levels. In total, 73 Andover youth are participating in soccer […]

Andover Fire Department Needs Volunteer EMTs and Firefighters

The Andover Fire Department is looking for people who would like to join their friends and neighbors as firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) in Andover. We will train you to be a firefighter, EMT, or both.  We need reasonably healthy men and women who would like to be part of an outstanding team that […]

Fire Chief Explains Use of “Fire Car” Recently Seen Around Andover

Also known as an Incident Command System

By Rene LeFebvre

You may have seen the “fire car” in town in the past several weeks and wondered what it is used for and what is in it for equipment.  The car serves many purposes; however there are two primary tasks: a tool box, and a command center on wheels. Some of the tools we keep are […]

Andover Police Department, August 2021

By Patricia Moyer

The Andover Police Department handled 252 calls for service during August, including: Assist Citizen: 20 Assist Ambulance/Rescue: 6 Civil Issue/Stand-by: 2 Dog Loose: 4 Domestic Dispute: 1 Parking Violation: 2 Road Hazard/Obstruction: 3 Suspicious Circumstance: 5 Theft: 3 Traffic Accident: 6 Traffic Citation: 7 Traffic Warning: 63   Arrests Aaron Kendrick, 31, Andover: False Imprisonment, […]

Andover Police Department, April through July 2021

By Patricia Moyer

The Andover Police Department handled 1,002 calls for service during April, May, June, and July, including: 911 Hang-Up: 3 Animal Wild: 5 Assist Citizen: 42 Assist Motorist: 14 Assist Police: 19 Civil Issue/Stand-by: 8 Dog Loose: 16 Domestic Dispute: 5 Manner of Operation: 16 Neighborhood Dispute: 3 Parking Violation: 16 Road Hazard/Obstruction: 10 Suspicious Circumstances: […]

Andover’s 79th Annual Fireworks Display Entrances Crowd

Flag Raised by American Legion Post 101

By Andover Fourth of July Committee
Andover’s 79th Annual Fireworks Display Entrances Crowd

Flash! Bang! Boom! Oohs and aahs from the crowd!  Say hello and goodbye to Andover’s 79th annual fireworks display. This one was one for the record books. We were there. We hope you were, too.  After we handed out glow sticks to the children, we stood side by side with our fellow citizens to commemorate […]

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