Town Minutes for July 2012

Here are the minutes for Town committee meetings that took place in July, 2012. Zoning Board July 17    

Zoning Board Minutes, September 18, 2012

Condensed from draft minutes

Members present: Charlie McCrave, Chair; Jeff Newcomb; Dan Coolidge; and Jim Delaney. Also present for duration of appropriate item: James Emerson; Stacey Viandier, agent representing Mr. Emerson; Susan Schnare; Andy Prokosh; Bill and Betty Bardsley. Public Hearing: A request from James Emerson III for a variance to permit construction of a residence. The property is […]

Zoning Board Minutes, August 25, 2012

Condensed from draft minutes

Members present: Charlie McCrave, Chair; Jeff Newcomb; Katherine Stearns, alternate; Bill Keyser, alternate. Also present for duration of appropriate item: Sonia Nelson Continuation of Public Hearing: A request from Steven and Sonia Nelson for a variance to permit less than the minimum road frontage for a proposed subdivision. The property is located at 194 Boston […]

Zoning Board Minutes, August 21, 2012

Condensed from approved minutes

Members present: Charlie McCrave, Chair; Jeff Newcomb; Dan Coolidge; Katherine Stearns, alternate; Bill Keyser, alternate. Also present for duration of appropriate item: Julia Rector; Steve and Sonia Nelson; Jeff and Maundy Abrahamson; and Ron Brule Dan Coolidge and Jim Delaney have been appointed as full-time Board members. Public Hearing: A request from Steven and Sonia […]

Zoning Board Minutes, July 17, 2012

Condensed from approved minutes

Members present: Charlie McCrave, Chair; Jeff Newcomb; Katherine Stearns, alternate; Bill Keyser, alternate. Also present for duration of appropriate item: Julia Rector and Barbara Lynch Non-Binding Consultation: Julia Rector, President of Hershwin Realty, regarding 46 Main Street. The previous approval dated September 20, 2005 for Douglas Gay and Joanne Sumner was reviewed, as Julia is […]

Zoning Board Minutes, June 19, 2012

Condensed from approved minutes

Members present: Charlie McCrave, Chair; Jeff Newcomb; Katherine Stearns, alternate; Bill Keyser, alternate. Also present for duration of appropriate item: Peter Hattan Public Hearing: A request from Peter and Anna Kate Hattan for a variance to permit expansion of the front porch into the front setback. The property is located at 16 Park Street and […]

Recreation Committee Minutes, October 9, 2012

Condensed from draft minutes

Present: Justin Carey, Nicole Donovan, Tom Frantz, Ellie George, Howard George, Alan Hanscom, Tim Norris, Brian Reynolds, Kurt Weber, and Selectman Jim Danforth. Budget The total budget figure we received from Marj Roy for 2012 was $31,080. This is the same total the committee received in 2011. Of that amount, $11,338.47 remains. Selectman Jim Danforth […]

Planning Board Minutes, October 9, 2012

Condensed from approved minutes

Members present: Jon Warzocha, Chair; Paul Currier; Nancy Teach; Don Gould; Pat Moyer; Jim Danforth, ex-officio; and Wood Sutton, alternate appointed to Eric Johnson’s position. Also present for duration of appropriate items: Steven Nelson; Stacey Viandier. Continued Non-Binding Consultation: Steven Nelson for a minor subdivision at 194 Boston Hill Road Nelson presented a copy of […]

Planning Board Minutes, September 25, 2012

Condensed from approved minutes

Members present: Jon Warzocha, Chair; Paul Currier; Nancy Teach; Don Gould; Pat Moyer; Jim Danforth, ex-officio; and Eric Johnson joined the meeting at 7:46 PM. Also present for duration of appropriate items: Steven Nelson; Roger Kidder; Vicky Mishcon, Board of Selectmen; and Marj Roy, Town Administrator. Preliminary Non-Binding Consultation: Steven Nelson for a minor subdivision […]